October, 2022

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The history of Grail: Why you need a data lakehouse


Some time ago, at a restaurant near Boston, three Dynatrace colleagues dined and discussed the growing data challenge for enterprises. At its core, this challenge involves a rapid increase in the amount—and complexity—of data collected within a company. Existing observability and monitoring solutions have built-in limitations when it comes to storing, retaining, querying, and analyzing massive amounts of data.

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Speeding Up Async Snippets

CSS Wizardry

If you’ve been a web developer for any reasonable amount of time, you’ve more likely than not come across an async snippet before. At its simplest, it looks a little like this: var script = document. createElement ( ' script ' ); script. src = ' [link] ' ; document. head. appendChild ( script ); Here, we…. create a element…. whose src attribute is [link] …. and append it to the.

Speed 301

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Application Performance Monitoring Tools — Why, When, What!


In this article, I reported my experience working on large applications and how monitoring came into my journey when I started producing software designed to solve business-critical problems. Solving customers' critical problems can generate great business opportunities, but you need to be ready for really high customer expectations in these situations.

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How Product Teams Can Build Empathy Through Experimentation

The Netflix TechBlog

A conversation between Travis Brooks, Netflix Product Manager for Experimentation Platform, and George Khachatryan, OfferFit CEO Note: I’ve known George for a little while now, and as we’ve talked a lot about the philosophy of experimentation, he kindly invited me to their office (virtually) for their virtual speaker series. We had a fun conversation with his team, and we realized that some parts of it might make a good blog post as well.

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DATE_BUCKET and DATETRUNC Improve Optimization of Time-Based Grouping

SQL Performance

Time-based grouping and aggregation are common in analyzing data using T-SQL—for example, grouping sales orders by year or by week and computing order counts per group. When you apply time-based grouping, you often group the data by expressions that manipulate date and time columns with functions such as YEAR, MONTH, and DATEPART. Such manipulation typically inhibits the optimizer’s ability to rely on index order.

Servers 144
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Accelerating innovation in Thailand with the AWS Asia Pacific (Bangkok) Region

All Things Distributed

AWS announced a new region in Asia in Thailand

AWS 201
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Prevent potential problems quickly and efficiently with Davis exploratory analysis


SREs typically start their days with meetings to ensure that various stakeholders—such as clients, IT team leaders, Kubernetes platform operations team leaders, and business leaders—that their projects are developing smoothly. Each group of SREs has different needs and goals that must align at the end of the day. To ensure continuous availability, it‘s essential to proactively analyze potential problems and optimize the environment in advance to minimize the negative impact on users and improve

More Trending

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Use Selenium Wait for Page to Load With Python [Tutorial]


One of the primary requisites to automate interactions with a WebElement in the DOM is that it should be visible and intractable. Like me, you would also come across several scenarios where your Selenium Python scripts threw an ElementNotVisibleException. The failure in the test automation script can be attributed to the presence of dynamic WebElements on the web page.

Website 246
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Tech debt: How to Manage Debts for your Software Development?


Going fast does not always mean you win the race! When you rush your software development, it can lead to technical debt, and you may pay more interest than your initial investment! So here is a comprehensive guide on tech debt, its causes, types and top ways to manage it.

Software 104
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HammerDB on Linux driving MicrosoftSQL SQLserver on Windows


Often it’s nice to be able to drive Windows applications and databases from Linux, especially if you are more comfortable in a Unix environment. This post will show you how to drive a Microsoft SQL Server database running on a Windows server from a remote Linux machine. In this example I am using Ubuntu 22.04, … The post HammerDB on Linux driving MicrosoftSQL SQLserver on Windows appeared first on n0derunner.

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The Lock Escalation Threshold – Part 3

SQL Performance

Lock Lifetimes. The examples so far in this series have all used repeatable read isolation to acquire shared locks on qualifying rows and hold them to the end of the transaction. This was convenient for the demos but repeatable read isolation isn’t common in everyday use. Locking optimizations. When SQL Server reads data under locking read committed isolation (the default for non-cloud offerings) and chooses row-level locking granularity, it normally only locks one row at a time.

Testing 91
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Any analysis, any time: Dynatrace Log Management and Analytics powered by Grail


Log management and analytics is an essential part of any organization’s infrastructure, and it’s no secret the industry has suffered from a shortage of innovation for several years. Several pain points have made it difficult for organizations to manage their data efficiently and create actual value. Dynatrace has recognized this problem for some time, and we’ve been working hard to build a radically new approach to addressing it.

Analytics 235
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On site in Vermont: BETA's aerial maneuvers in the cloud

All Things Distributed

In the third episode of Season 3 of Now Go Build I visit BETA in Vermont

Cloud 114
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Configure Cucumber Setup in Eclipse and IntelliJ [Tutorial]


Selenium is a test automation framework extensively used by organizations looking to expedite the web-product testing process. As far as test automation frameworks in Java are concerned, TestNG is largely preferred by QA engineers for the development and enhancement of test suites. With the adoption of Agile methodology in the work environment, a diverse set of stakeholders like QAs, technical managers, and program managers — including non-technical team members — are willing to work collaborati

Java 246
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Weekend update: Operator and parsing design notes

Sutter's Mill

Thanks again for all the bug reports and feedback for Cpp2 and cppfront ! As I mentioned last weekend, I’ve started a wiki with “Design notes” about specific aspects of the design to answer why I’ve made them they way they currently are… basic rationale, alternatives considered, in a nutshell, as quick answers to common questions I encounter repeatedly.

Design 78
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Security of Quantum Computer Architectures

ACM Sigarch

Introduction. When thinking of security and quantum computers, many people may automatically think of using quantum computers for attacks on classical computers, by use of the Grover’s and Shor’s algorithms running on the quantum computers to break a number of existing cryptographic algorithms running on classical computers. Or, terms security and quantum computers are often associated with Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) or Quantum True Random Number (QTRNG) technologies.

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6 Software Development Best Practices to Ensure in 2023


The technological industry is the most influential sector of the economy today. In the last couple of decades, we have seen a tremendous shift in.

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Getting answers from data starts with automated log acquisition, at any scale


Log data provides a unique source of truth for debugging applications, optimizing infrastructure, and investigating security incidents. To further enrich log data for automated observability, it’s necessary to dynamically tie logs to distributed traces on the code level, user sessions in the app front-end, and the topology of your IT landscape. This contextualization of log data enables AI-powered problem detection and root cause analysis at scale.

Storage 228
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Developing Your Applications More Efficiently with MongoDB Atlas Serverless Instances

The Polyglot Developer

If you’re a developer, worrying about your database is not necessarily something you want to do. You likely don’t want to spend your time provisioning or sizing clusters as the demand of your application changes. You probably also don’t want to worry about breaking the bank if you’ve scaled something incorrectly. With MongoDB Atlas, you have a few deployment options to choose from when it comes to your database.

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Geek Reading - Week of June 5, 2013


I have talked about human filters and my plan for digital curation. These items are the fruits of those ideas, the items I deemed worthy from my Google Reader feeds. These items are a combination of tech business news, development news and programming tools and techniques. Making Google’s CalDAV and CardDAV APIs available for everyone ( Google Developers Blog).

Java 244
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Cpp2 design notes: UFCS, “const”, “unsafe”, and (yes) ABI

Sutter's Mill

Thanks to everyone who has offered bug reports and constructive suggestions for Cpp2 and cppfront. To answer common questions I encounter repeatedly, I’ve started a wiki with “Design notes” about specific aspects of the design to answer why I’ve made them they way they currently are… basic rationale, alternatives considered, in a nutshell.

Design 75
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Differences Between Functional and Non-Functional Testing


Both types of testing are necessary for the creation of quality software. In this article, we focus on their differences in order to achieve a thorough understanding of these issues. This time, with an interview with Alejandro Aires. By Natalie Rodgers WOPR29 is just around. The post Differences Between Functional and Non-Functional Testing appeared first on Abstracta Software Testing Services.

Testing 59
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The Lock Escalation Threshold – Part 2

SQL Performance

Parallelism. In part one of this series , I explained how the lock manager maintains a count of held locks per transaction , and individual access methods keep a separate lock count per HoBt for each plan operator performing data access. Parallelism adds an extra layer of complexity because both lock counts are maintained per thread. There are two underlying reasons for this: Each additional parallel worker thread operates inside a nested sub-transaction with the original transaction as its pare

Testing 56
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New critical vulnerability, CVE-2022-42889, in Apache Commons Text discovered (but no need to panic)


A new critical remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability was disclosed on October 13, 2022. The vulnerability affects the Apache Commons Text library. While some view CVE-2022-42889 as the next Log4Shell vulnerability , others see its impact as more limited. A remote code execution vulnerability is a cyberattack an attacker can remotely execute commands on a user’s computing device.

Java 225
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Banish ghost messages and zombie records from your web tier

Particular Software

Because it’s hard to write idempotent code effectively , NServiceBus provides the outbox feature to make your business data transaction and any sent or received messages atomic. That way, you don’t get any ghost messages or zombie records polluting your system. 1 But the outbox can only be used inside a message handler. What about web applications and APIs?

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How to Change DAG Witness Server and Witness Directory


Witness Server and Witness Directory are the most critical components of the Database Availability Group (DAG). DAG requires Witness Server or File Share Witness (FSW) and Directory to maintain the Quorum. In case of Witness Server failure, the Quorum is no longer maintained, leading to inconsistent DAG. In addition, the cluster may no longer respond or work, leading to downtimes if a disaster strikes.

Servers 242
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AWS Summit Mexico City: Back to In-Person Events

Percona Community

In March 2020, I presented my latest talk at an in-person event. This event was organized by a local university, Then when events started to happen online, during the pandemic, I was a speaker at about 41 events, where I presented 38 talks and 7 workshops (until September this year), in both Spanish and English. Having the opportunity to join so many events and collaborate with communities around the world was one of the advantages that events were organized in virtual spaces.

AWS 52
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What’s New in October?


Happy October! This month, we’re pleased to announce a new plug-and-play connector for our Value Stream Management solution — Aha!, new portfolio or group-level insights into outliers and dependencies, and new configuration options for advanced cross-tool synchronization. . Your Aha! (Connector) Moment . Shift your value stream left and capture all the activities that happen during the Ideate stage.

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How to monitor SQLServer on Windows with Prometheus


TL;DR Enable SQLServer agent in SSMS Install the Prometheus Windows exporter from github the installer is in the Assets section near the bottom of the page Install Prometheus scraper/database to your monitoring server/laptop via the appropriate installer Point a browser to the prometheus server e.g. <linux-prometheus-server-ip>:9090 Add a new target, which will be the Windows … The post How to monitor SQLServer on Windows with Prometheus appeared first on n0derunner.

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How a data lakehouse brings data insights to life


For IT infrastructure managers and site reliability engineers, or SREs , logs provide a treasure trove of data. Logs assist operations, security, and development teams in ensuring the reliability and performance of application environments. But on their own, logs present just another data silo as IT professionals attempt to troubleshoot and remediate problems.

Analytics 222
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Quality Begins Where the User Journey Ends


Part One of the Humanizing Software Quality Series. A brand is not defined by a logo or a tagline. Nor is it encompassed by a website or marketing materials. A brand represents the sum total of all experiences and impressions, good and bad, that customers and employees have with your company. Humans – whether the CTO giving a talk at a tradeshow, or a customer support representative on the phone – make an undeniable impact on the organization’s brand.

Retail 52
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Metaverse and Software Testing: Developing A More Accessible Virtual World


Metaverse is one of the most talked about things at the moment. With its agnostic and industry-oriented nature, Metaverse applies to many dynamic use cases, from work to socialization and gaming, transforming lives in personal and professional spheres. In other words, the Metaverse will be the next big move for the transformation we will witness with all the upcoming applications, websites, and software solutions.

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MySQL: Tracing a single query with PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA

Percona Community

My task is to collect performance data about a single query, using PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA (P_S for short) in MySQL, to ship it elsewhere for integration with other data. In a grander scheme of things, I will need to define what performance data from a query I am actually interested in. I will also need to find a way to attribute the query (as seen on the server) to a point in the codebase of the client, which is not always easy when an ORM or other SQL generator is being used.

Servers 52
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Top 7 Signs That Your Legacy System Needs Modernization


Most enterprises have legacy custom applications supporting critical business operations. Over time these applications become hard to up­date and costly to maintain. However, replacing these applications with newer ones is also complex and expensive in the early stages.

Systems 52
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Technomantu App | Technomantu app is free for Instagram followers. 

Tech News Gather

It is available for download from the official website. . To download this app, visit the website and click on the link that says “I am not a robot.” Once you have clicked on the link, the application will download to your phone. . To install it, follow the instructions that are given on the page. Once the installation process is completed, you can access your Instagram account to view followers.

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Dynatrace SaaS release notes version 1.252


We have released Dynatrace version 1.252. To learn what’s new, have a look at the release notes. The post Dynatrace SaaS release notes version 1.252 appeared first on Dynatrace news.

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Content Discovery at Scale with Hexagons and Elasticsearch at DoorDash


DoorDash recently published an article on how it is solving scaling challenges with content discovery using Elasticsearch and H3, a geospatial indexing system that partitions the world into hexagonal cells. By Tanmay Deshpande.

Systems 52