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CSS and Network Performance

CSS Wizardry

Despite having been called CSS Wizardry for over a decade now, there hasn’t been a great deal of CSS-related content on this site for a while. Let me address that by combining my two favourite topics: CSS and performance. CSS is critical to rendering a page—a browser will not begin rendering until all CSS has been found, downloaded, and parsed—so it is imperative that we get it onto a user’s device as fast as we possibly can.

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Fostering a Web Performance Culture


Web Performance is not only about understanding what makes a site fast. It’s about creating awareness amongst both developers and non-developers. Performance is a feature and needs to be prioritized as such. Performance is a topic that has interested me for a long time. I remember when I learned about dynamic programming, greedy or divide and conquer algorithms.


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How do you explain the unreasonable effectiveness of cloud security?

High Scalability

With the enormous attack surface of cloud providers like AWS, Azure, and GCP, why aren't there more security problems? Data breaches and cyber attacks occur daily. How do you explain the unreasonable effectiveness of cloud security? Google has an ebook on their security approach; Microsoft has some web pages. Both are the equivalent of that person who is disgustingly healthy and you ask them how they do it and they say "I don't know.

Cloud 235
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Ciao Milano! – An AWS Region is coming to Italy!

All Things Distributed

Today, I am happy to announce our plans to open a new AWS Region in Italy! The AWS Europe (Milan) Region is the 25th AWS Region that we've announced globally. It's the sixth AWS Region in Europe, joining existing regions in France, Germany, Ireland, the UK, and the new Region that we recently announced in Sweden. The AWS Europe (Milan) Region will have three Availability Zones and be ready for customers in early 2020.

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Knative Monitoring, Logging, and Tracing Explained


In this post, you will see the telemetry side of Knative and Istio for a Node.js app named Knative-node-app published on IBM Cloud in the previous post- Install Knative with Istio and deploy an app on IBM Cloud.

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JavaScript growth and third parties

Speed Curve

JavaScript is the main cause for making websites slow. Ten years ago it was network bottlenecks, but the growth of JavaScript has outpaced network and CPU improvements on today's devices. In the chart below, based on an analysis from the HTTP Archive , we see the number of requests has increased for both first and third party JavaScript since 2011. The following chart shows the growth in the total size of JavaScript from 2011.

Website 111
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Observability at Scale: Building Uber’s Alerting Ecosystem

Uber Engineering

Uber’s software architectures consists of thousands of microservices that empower teams to iterate quickly and support our company’s global growth. These microservices support a variety of solutions, such as mobile applications, internal and infrastructure services, and products along with complex … The post Observability at Scale: Building Uber’s Alerting Ecosystem appeared first on Uber Engineering Blog.

More Trending

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bpftrace (DTrace 2.0) for Linux 2018

Brendan Gregg

The private bpftrace repository has just been made public, which is big news for DTrace fans. Created by Alastair Robertson , bpftrace is an open source high-level tracing front-end that lets you analyze systems in custom ways. It's shaping up to be a DTrace version 2.0: more capable, and built from the ground up for the modern era of the eBPF virtual machine. eBPF (extended Berkeley Packet Filter) is in the Linux kernel and is the new hotness in systems engineering.

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How architecture evolves into strategy

O'Reilly Software

A look at the roles of architect and strategist, and how they help develop successful technology strategies for business. There are two jobs in the world that people want to do the most while knowing the least about: architect and strategist. I should start by saying this section does not offer a treatise on how to do architecture. I'm offering an overview of my perspective on the field, which I hope is a unique and interesting take on it, in order to provide context for the work at hand: devisi

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How to display a "new version available" for a Progressive Web App

Dean Hume

Have you ever been on a website and noticed a popup notification that suggests that there is a new version of the site available? I recently visited Google’s Inbox and noticed a notification a little like the image below. I’ve built a number of Progressive Web Apps that simply update the service worker silently for the user in the background, but I really like this approach - especially for an offline first web app.

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Image Inconsistencies: How and When Browsers Download Images

CSS Wizardry

This year, I’ve been working closely with the wonderful Coingaming team out in beautiful Tallinn. We’ve been working pretty hard on making their suite of online products much faster , and I’ve been the technical consultant leading the project. It’s been an incredibly fun and rewarding engagement, and we’ve made some real business- and customer-facing improvements.

Strategy 241
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Increase the Performance of your Site with Lazy-Loading and Code-Splitting


Componentization has marked a before and after in web development. The main advantages that are usually mentioned is reusability and modularization. Well defined pieces that we can use to build our sites, like bricks of Legos. It turns out this component structure provides a great foundation to improve the performance of our sites. We are explicit about our dependencies, so we know what code we need to run to run a specific component.

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What do you believe now that you didn't five years ago? Centralized wins. Decentralized loses.

High Scalability

Decentralized systems will continue to lose to centralized systems until there's a driver requiring decentralization to deliver a clearly superior consumer experience. Unfortunately, that may not happen for quite some time. I say unfortunately because ten years ago, even five years ago, I still believed decentralization would win. Why? For all the idealistic technical reasons I laid out long ago in Building Super Scalable Systems: Blade Runner Meets Autonomic Computing In The Ambient Cloud.

Internet 220
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Infinitely scalable machine learning with Amazon SageMaker

All Things Distributed

In machine learning, more is usually more. For example, training on more data means more accurate models. At AWS, we continue to strive to enable builders to build cutting-edge technologies faster in a secure, reliable, and scalable fashion. Machine learning is one such transformational technology that is top of mind not only for CIOs and CEOs, but also developers and data scientists.

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MachineX: Two Parts of Association Rule Learning


In our previous blog, MachineX: Layman's Guide to Association Rule Learning, we discussed what Association rule learning is all about, and as you can already tell, with a large dataset, which almost every market has, finding association rules isn't very easy. For these purposes, we introduced measures of interestingness , which were support, confidence, and lift.

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A Brief Guide of xPU for AI Accelerators

ACM Sigarch

In the workshop on Inter-Disciplinary Research Challenges in Computer Systems (Grand Challenges) co-located with ASPLOS 2018, Dr. Hillery Hunter from IBM and I co-organized a panel discussion on “Augmenting Human Abilities/AI” During the discussion, inspired by a recent interesting article , I did a quick survey on various AI hardware accelerators developed in the last several years: Other than CPU/GPU that we are familiar with, we have seem many xPUs that are related to AI hardwa

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Maximizing Process Performance with Maze, Uber’s Funnel Visualization Platform

Uber Engineering

At Uber, we spend a considerable amount of resources making the driver sign-up experience as easy as possible. At Uber’s scale, even a one percent increase in the rate of sign-ups to first trips (the driver conversion rate) carries a … The post Maximizing Process Performance with Maze, Uber’s Funnel Visualization Platform appeared first on Uber Engineering Blog.

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Getting Started with Agility: Essential Reading

Allen Holub

As is the case with many of the people who actually know what they’re talking about, I’ve come to shudder when I hear the word “Agile,” at least until I can figure whether the person who uttered the word actually knows what they’ve just said. More often than not, they don’t.

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SQL Server On Linux: Forced Unit Access (Fua) Internals

SQL Server According to Bob

Overview. SQL Server relies on Forced-Unit-Access (Fua) I/O subsystem capabilities to provide data durability, detailed in the following documents: SQL Server 2000 I/O Basic and SQL Server I/O Basics, Chapter 2. Durability: “In database systems , durability is the ACID property which guarantees transactions that have committed will survive permanently.

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Survey reveals the opportunities and realities of microservices

O'Reilly Software

A new report explores how far companies have come with microservices. Fads come and go in the technology world—anyone remember AJAX ? When new, shiny things appear, architects often struggle to determine whether this is merely the latest fad or a genuine future direction. Microservices are evolving from fad to trend. Several years ago, many companies experimented with microservices but had doubts about the operational complexity and engineering maturity required to achieve success.

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Software Performance Testing Using JMeter and Kovair Omnibus


Before shipping a software product for customer delivery, it is very essential to check both the functional and the non-functional aspects of the application. To. The post Software Performance Testing Using JMeter and Kovair Omnibus appeared first on Kovair Blog.

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The Three Types of Performance Testing

CSS Wizardry

A lot of companies—even if they are aware that performance is key to their business—are often unsure of how, when, or where performance testing sits within their development lifecycle. To make things worse, they’re also usually unsure whose responsibility performance measuring and monitoring is. The short answers are, of course ‘all the time’ and ‘everyone’, but this mutual disownership is a common reason why performance often gets overlooked.

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Cómo mejorar la performance de una web usando lazy-loading y code-splitting


El desarrollo basado en componentes ha marcado un antes y un después en el desarrollo web. Las principales ventajas que suelen mencionarse son la reutilización y la modularización. Componentes bien definidos y encapsulados que podemos usar para construir nuestros sitios, como ladrillos de Legos. Una ventaja adicional es que esta estructura de componentes proporciona una base sólida para mejorar la performance de nuestras webs.

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How ShiftLeft Uses PostgreSQL Extension TimescaleDB

High Scalability

This article is written by Preetam Jinka , Senior Infrastructure Engineer at ShiftLeft. Originially published as Time Series at ShiftLeft. Time series are a major component of the ShiftLeft runtime experience. This is true for many other products and organizations too, but each case involves different characteristics and requirements. This post describes the requirements that we have to work with, how we use TimescaleDB to store and retrieve time series data, and the tooling we’ve develope

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Changing the calculus of containers in the cloud

All Things Distributed

I wrote to you over two years ago about what happens under the hood of Amazon ECS. Last year at re:Invent, we launched AWS Fargate , and today, I want to explore how Fargate fundamentally changes the landscape of container technology. I spend a lot of time talking to our customers and leaders at Amazon about innovation. One of the things I've noticed is that ideas and technologies which dramatically change the way we do things are rarely new.

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Simple Data Processing With JavaScript And The HERE API

The Polyglot Developer

Have you ever needed to work with comma separated value (CSV) data that wasn’t formatted in a great way or figure out complete address information based on very little provided address information? While unrelated, these two topics come up quite a bit, more frequently when I’m dealing with person information or lead data that I retrieve from conferences and other events.

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Measuring Performance With Server Timing

Smashing Magazine

Measuring Performance With Server Timing. Measuring Performance With Server Timing. Drew McLellan. 2018-10-30T03:40:14+02:00. 2019-04-29T18:34:58+00:00. When undertaking any sort of performance optimisation work, one of the very first things we learn is that before you can improve performance you must first measure it. Without being able to measure the speed at which something is working, we can’t tell if the changes being made are improving the performance, having no effect, or even making thin

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Databook: Turning Big Data into Knowledge with Metadata at Uber

Uber Engineering

From driver and rider locations and destinations, to restaurant orders and payment transactions, every interaction on Uber’s transportation platform is driven by data. Data powers Uber’s global marketplace, enabling more reliable and seamless user experiences across our products for riders, … The post Databook: Turning Big Data into Knowledge with Metadata at Uber appeared first on Uber Engineering Blog.

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Improvement Boards

Allen Holub

The original version of this post had the tag #NoRetrospectives in the title, but I got tired of the flak and removed it. My intent was to be a bit provocative and to get people thinking about how we can do better than a biweekly retrospective.

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TCP Tracepoints

Brendan Gregg

TCP tracepoints have arrived in Linux! Linux 4.15 added five of them, and 4.16 (not quite released yet) added two more ( tcp:tcp_probe , and sock:inet_sock_set_state – a socket tracepoint that can be used for TCP analysis). We now have: # perf list 'tcp:*' 'sock:inet*'. List of pre-defined events (to be used in -e): tcp:tcp_destroy_sock [Tracepoint event] tcp:tcp_probe [Tracepoint event] tcp:tcp_receive_reset [Tracepoint event] tcp:tcp_retransmit_skb [Tracepoint event] tcp:tcp_retransmit_s

C++ 87
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The challenges of migrating 150+ microservices to Kubernetes

O'Reilly Software

Sarah Wells explains how the Financial Times migrated microservices between container stacks without affecting production users. Continue reading The challenges of migrating 150+ microservices to Kubernetes.

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Questions for the New Year

Edge Perspectives

As we enter the New Year, it’s an opportunity to step back and reflect in an increasingly hectic world. In an earlier post , I suggested we need to find time to reflect in a world increasingly dominated by flows – it’s a healthy form of friction that can actually enhance our ability to generate more insight from flows. Embrace the New Year as an invitation to reflect.

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Getting to Know a Legacy Codebase

CSS Wizardry

The other day, Brad dropped me a message asking me about the topic of getting to know a brand new (specifically CSS) codebase. The kind of codebase that no one person truly understands any more; the kind of codebase that’s had a dozen different contributors over just as many years; the kind of codebase that’s never had a full-scale refactor or overhaul, but that’s grown organically over time and changed with new techniques, styles, and trends.

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Increase the Performance of your Site with Lazy-Loading and Code-Splitting


Componentization has marked a before and after in web development. The main advantages that are usually mentioned is reusability and modularization. Well defined pieces that we can use to build our sites, like bricks of Legos. It turns out this component structure provides a great foundation to improve the performance of our sites. We are explicit about our dependencies, so we know what code we need to run to run a specific component.

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Google's New Book: The Site Reliability Workbook

High Scalability

Google has released a new book: The Site Reliability Workbook — Practical Ways to Implement SRE. It's the second book in their SRE series. How is it different than the previous Site Reliability Engineering book? David Rensin, a SRE at Google, says : It's a whole new book. It's designed to sit next to the original on the bookshelf and for folks to bounce between them -- moving between principle and practice.

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Expanding the Cloud – The Second AWS GovCloud (US) Region, AWS GovCloud (US-East)

All Things Distributed

Today, I'm happy to announce that the AWS GovCloud (US-East) Region, our 19th global infrastructure Region, is now available for use by customers in the US. With this launch, AWS now provides 57 Availability Zones, with another 12 zones and four Regions in Bahrain, Cape Town, Hong Kong SAR, and Stockholm expected to come online by 2020. The AWS GovCloud (US-East) Region is our second AWS GovCloud (US) Region, joining AWS GovCloud (US-West) to further help US government agencies, the contract

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Create An Email Subscription Popup With jQuery

The Polyglot Developer

As you’ll recall, The Polyglot Developer was once using WordPress. Back when I was using WordPress, I was using a plugin called Icegram, which is similar to SumoMe and OptinMonster, but it allowed me to present popups after a period of time to prompt users to subscribe to my newsletter. I get that not everyone appreciates an annoying popup, but it was great for me because I was getting a lot of new email subscribers very quickly.