January, 2023

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AWS Cloud Cost Optimization Best Practices (Even AWS won’t tell you!)


Fine-tuning your cloud infrastructure is critical to ensure your overall bill keeps up to its limit. Read this blog to find out proven best practices for cloud cost optimization to help you cut down on the bill and save costs by eliminating unused resources.

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Crashing Apps, Buffering Streams, and Fuming Fans: FIFA WC 2022 Streaming Saga


FIFA World Cup 2022 was a massive spectacle in viewership and marketing revenue. Unfortunately, such an enormous scale of events caused much chaos for some of the apps streaming this global event. This article analyzes those apps from a performance engineering point of view, highlights the reasons for their crash or lags, and tries to provide possible solutions.


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Cloud cost optimization guide: How to save more on the cloud?


Moving to the cloud is one thing, and saving costs is another. One of the reasons why organizations migrate to the cloud is to reduce infrastructure costs. However, caveats like overprovisioning, wasted resources and management issues lead to higher cloud costs. So, here are some best practices to reduce cloud costs and save more on your bills!

Cloud 52
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Key Considerations When Implementing Virtual Kubernetes Clusters


In a Kubernetes context, multi-tenancy refers to sharing one large cluster among multiple teams, applications, or users primarily in lower environments such as development and testing—mainly to reduce cost and operational overhead around managing many clusters. Multi-tenancy is becoming an essential requirement for platform teams deploying Kubernetes infrastructure.

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Kubernetes in the wild report 2023


Kubernetes adoption survey executive summary. Modern, cloud-native computing is impossible to separate from containers and Kubernetes adoption. While Kubernetes is still a relatively young technology, a large majority of global enterprises use it to run business-critical applications in production. The rapid adoption is driven—and challenged by—an ever-growing ecosystem of Kubernetes technologies that add advanced platform features, such as security, microservice communications, observability, s

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Scalable Annotation Service?—?Marken

The Netflix TechBlog

Scalable Annotation Service — Marken by Varun Sekhri , Meenakshi Jindal Introduction At Netflix, we have hundreds of micro services each with its own data models or entities. For example, we have a service that stores a movie entity’s metadata or a service that stores metadata about images. All of these services at a later point want to annotate their objects or entities.

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Writing a tiny tRPC client


Ever wondered how tRPC works? Maybe you want to start contributing to the project but you're frightened by the internals? The aim of this post is to familiarize you with the internals of tRPC by writing a minimal client that covers the big parts of how tRPC works. info It's recommended that you understand some of the core concepts in TypeScript such as generics, conditional types, the extends keyword and recursion.

Servers 145

More Trending

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Why PostgreSQL Needs Transparent Database Encryption (TDE)


As Ibrar Ahmed noted in his blog post on Transparent Database Encryption (TDE). PostgreSQL is a surprising outlier when it comes to offering Transparent Database Encryption. Instead, it seems PostgreSQL Developers are of the opinion that encryption is a storage-level problem and is better solved on the filesystem or block device level. I do not share that opinion, and according to a poll I did late last year, many PostgreSQL community members don’t either.

Database 123
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A Brief Overview of the Spring Cloud Framework


The concept of distributed applications is certainly not new. Whoever has a long IT career certainly remembers a number of different technologies implementing distributed components even in the early years. Nowadays, is all about microservices. They are a new form by which we consider today the concept of distributed computing. Their peculiarity is that their communications are based essentially on REST and messaging protocols, which have the advantage of being widely spread standards.

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Dynatrace simplifies OpenTelemetry metric collection for context-aware AI analytics


The release candidate of OpenTelemetry metrics was announced earlier this year at Kubecon in Valencia, Spain. Since then, organizations have embraced OTLP as an all-in-one protocol for observability signals, including metrics, traces, and logs, which will also gain Dynatrace support in early 2023. Realizing the promise of OpenTelemetry is a challenge for most organizations.

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No Start Menu for You

Randon ASCII

I tend to launch most programs on my Windows 10 laptop by typing the <Win> key, then a few letters of the program name, and then hitting enter. On my powerful laptop (SSD and 32 GB of RAM) this process usually takes as long as it takes me to type these characters, just a fraction of a second. Usually. Sometimes, however, it takes longer. A lot longer.

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TypeScript performance lessons while refactoring for v10


As library authors, our goal is to provide the best possible developer experience (DX) for our peers. Reducing time-to-error and providing intuitive APIs removes mental overhead from the minds of developers so that they can focus on what's most important: great end user experience. It's no secret that TypeScript is the driving force behind how tRPC ships its amazing DX.

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Optimizing The Image Element LCP

Smashing Magazine

Optimizing The Image Element LCP. Optimizing The Image Element LCP. EloĂŻse Martin. 2023-01-16T18:00:00+00:00. 2023-01-16T22:03:27+00:00. Largest Contentful Paint (or LCP) is one of three metrics of the Core Web Vitals. These metrics are used by Google to evaluate the quality of user experience. LCP measures the time it takes for the browser to load the main content in the viewport.

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Elevate Your Percona Live Experience by Climbing MT. Elbert


Percona Live 2023 takes place in Denver, Colorado this year and with my love of mountains, I thought it would be a crime not to combine it with climbing one of the famous Colorado 14ers (14,000ft+ in height). So we’re putting a team together to climb Mt. Elbert — 14,440ft (4401m) — the highest mountain in Colorado and second highest in the lower 48 states (after Mt.

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Fraud Detection With Apache Kafka, KSQL, and Apache Flink


Fraud detection becomes increasingly challenging in a digital world across all industries. Real-time data processing with Apache Kafka became the de facto standard to correlate and prevent fraud continuously before it happens. This article explores case studies for fraud prevention from companies such as Paypal, Capital One, ING Bank, Grab, and Kakao Games that leverage stream processing technologies like Kafka Streams, KSQL, and Apache Flink.

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Break down the barriers to end-to-end monitoring with Dynatrace


In recent years, more and more large enterprises have embraced microservices-based architectures that run across clouds and geographies to deliver increased agility, improved performance, scale, and reliability. This approach has accelerated innovation and created new opportunities for distributed development and support models. As companies have modernized, they have embraced new IT business models and faced tightening regulatory requirements.

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Devpod: Improving Developer Productivity at Uber with Remote Development

Uber Engineering

In this blog, we share how we improved the daily edit-build-run developer experience using DevPods, Uber’s remote development environment. We cover the challenges, pain points, our architecture, and lastly the future of remote development at Uber.

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Percentiles don’t work: Analyzing the distribution of response times for web services

Adrian Cockcroft

Plot showing the final result of fitting multiple normal distributions to a response time curve Most people have figured out that the average response time for a web service is a very poor estimate of it’s behavior, as responses are usually much faster than the average, but there’s a long tail of much slower responses. The common way to deal with this is to measure percentiles, and track the 90%, 99% response times for example.

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Setting Up PMM For Monitoring Your Databases on Windows

Percona Community

Before deploying Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) in production, you might want to test it or set up a development instance locally. Since many developers and DBAs have Windows desktops, I wanted to demonstrate how to set up PMM on Windows for an easy test environment. In this post, I’ll walk you through setting up PMM with Docker and WSL. If you’re a Linux user, check the blog post I wrote on Setting up PMM for monitoring MySQL in a local environment.

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WAL Compression in PostgreSQL and Recent Improvements in Version 15


Attempts to compress PostgreSQL WAL at different levels have always been around since the beginning. Some of the built-in features ( wal_compression ) have been there since 2016, and almost all backup tools do the WAL compression before taking it to the backup repository. But it is time to take another look at the built-in wal_compression because PostgreSQL 15 has much more to offer.

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How To Generate Code Coverage Report Using JaCoCo-Maven Plugin


Code coverage is a software quality metric commonly used during the development process that let’s you determine the degree of code that has been tested (or executed). To achieve optimal code coverage, it is essential that the test implementation (or test suites) tests a majority percent of the implemented code. There are a number of code coverage tools for languages like Java, C#, JavaScript, etc.

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The value of business events: How IT can increase business agility


Business events are a special class of events, new to Business Analytics; together with Grail, our data lakehouse, they provide the precision and advanced analytics capabilities required by your most important business use cases. Business events deliver real-time business data from anywhere and empower business and IT teams to analyze, discover, and automate to improve business outcomes.

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Containerizing the Beast – Hadoop NameNodes in Uber’s Infrastructure

Uber Engineering

We recently containerized Hadoop NameNodes and upgraded hardware, improving NameNode RPC queue time from ~200 to ~20ms – A 10x improvement! With this radical change, Uber’s Hadoop customers are happier and admins rest more at night.

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Interact with MongoDB in an AWS Lambda Function Using Go

The Polyglot Developer

If you’re a Go developer and you’re looking to go serverless, AWS Lambda is a solid choice that will get you up and running in no time. But what happens when you need to connect to your database? With serverless functions, also known as functions as a service (FaaS), you can never be sure about the uptime of your function or how it has chosen to scale automatically with demand.

Lambda 83
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How To Generate Test Data for Your Database Project With Python

Percona Community

If you need test data for the database of your project, you can get a dataset from Kaggle or use a data generator. In the first case, if you need to process the data before inserting it into the database, you can use Pandas, a widely used Python library for data analysis. This library supports different formats, including CSV and JSON, and it also provides a method for inserting data into a SQL database.

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The Ultimate Guide to Database Corruption: Part 2 – B-Tree Index Corruption


This blog is in continuation of my previous blog on the basic understanding of corruption with the subject line The Ultimate Guide to Database Corruption: Part 1 – An Overview. If you have not already gone through it, I encourage you to read it to understand data corruption. Introduction. This blog focuses on B-tree indexes and various corruption-related issues that occur with them.

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Visual Network Mapping Your K8s Clusters To Assess Performance


Building performant services and systems is at the core of every business. Tons of technologies emerge daily, promising capabilities that help you surpass your performance benchmarks. However, production environments are chaotic landscapes that exact a heavy performance toll when not maintained and monitored. Although Kubernetes is the defacto choice for container orchestration, many organizations fail to implement it.

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What is cloud monitoring? How to improve your full-stack visibility


The move to multicloud environments has continued en masse for today’s organizations. In fact, according to a Dynatrace global survey of 1,300 CIOs , 99% of enterprises utilize a multicloud environment and seven cloud monitoring solutions on average. With more organizations taking the multicloud plunge, monitoring cloud infrastructure is critical to ensure all components of the cloud computing stack are available, high-performing, and secure.

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Reducing Logging Cost by Two Orders of Magnitude using CLP

Uber Engineering

Uber’s Data team discusses how they used CLP to scale log ingestion, retention, and analytics for Petabytes of Spark logs, reducing log storage and management costs by 169x.

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SQL Practice: Common Questions and Answers for the final round interviews

SQL Shack

In this article, we are going to make a SQL practice exercise that will help to prepare for the final round of technical interviews of the SQL jobs. Introduction Technical interviews are an indispensable part of the recruiting process for employers.

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Percona Monitoring and Management 2.34 preview release

Percona Community

Percona Monitoring and Management 2.34 preview release Hello folks! Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) 2.34 is now available as a preview release. We encourage you to try this PMM preview release in testing environments only, as these packages and images are not fully production-ready. The final version is expected to be released through the standard channels in the coming week.

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Speed Up of the WAL Archiving in PostgreSQL 15


Last time I blogged about the New WAL Archive Module/Library feature available in PostgreSQL 15 , which is quite transformative in how WALs are archived today in PostgreSQL. PostgreSQL 15 has many more improvements related to WAL archiving, which is worth discussing. In this blog, I would like to highlight some of them which solve great operational challenges for many of the PostgreSQL users.

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How Do the Docker Client and Docker Servers Work?


Docker is a powerful tool for building, running, and managing distributed applications. It uses the Docker Client and Docker Server to provide a seamless workflow. This makes it easy to run applications using containers, allowing users to set up applications quickly. Docker can be used across various cloud, desktop, and server platforms. It is available for macOS, Windows, Linux Distributions, Windows Server 2016, AWS, Google Compute Platform, Azure, and IBM Cloud.

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Dynatrace SaaS release notes version 1.258


We have released Dynatrace version 1.258. To learn what’s new, have a look at the release notes. The post Dynatrace SaaS release notes version 1.258 appeared first on Dynatrace news.

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Deduping and Storing Images at Uber Eats

Uber Engineering

Our engineers discuss how we dedupe and store millions of product images at Uber Eats using a content-addressable caching layer, which saves millions of image downloads every hour and ensures that every image is only stored once.

Cache 98
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Critical Edge Splitting

Nick Desaulniers

A maximal length sequence of branch-free code that terminates with a branch or jump is referred to as a basic block. A basic block that branches to another forms an edge in the Control Flow Graph (CFG). The initial basic block starting an edge is the predecessor; it precedes and is succeeded by the successor basic block. An edge between basic blocks is considered a critical edge if the predecessor has multiple successors, and the successor has multiple predecessors.

Code 75
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An Introductory Guide to Web Performance Testing


From a very young age, we have all been exposed to a lot of waiting times. As kids, we must wait our turn to hit the piñata during birthday parties. As adults, we face queues everywhere, from paying for groceries to buying the latest phone. The post An Introductory Guide to Web Performance Testing appeared first on Abstracta Software Testing Services.