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Fine-Tuning Performance, Resolving Common Issues in FinTech Application With MySQL


Relational Databases are the bedrock of any FinTech application, especially for OLTP (Online transaction Processing). This foundational component in any application architecture usually poses challenges around scaling as the business expands rapidly. So, it is imperative that all database activities are monitored closely in the production environment and issues like long-running queries are tracked and resolved.

FinTech 258
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What is security analytics?


As organizations scale to modern multicloud environments, they’re met with increased complexity that makes managing security far more difficult. Vulnerabilities can enter the software development lifecycle (SDLC) at any stage and can have significant impact if left undetected. As a result, organizations are implementing security analytics to manage risk and improve DevSecOps efficiency.

Analytics 220

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Turbocharge Dynatrace App development with the new Visual Studio Code extension `Dynatrace Apps`


As an app developer, you have many recurring tasks: starting the development server, creating app functions, querying data stored in Grail, managing app configurations, and building and deploying apps. Sound familiar? The VS Code extension Dynatrace Apps is here to streamline your development process and simplify app building. App configuration and build management Let’s start with the basics: Use the App Configuration form (select Configure app in the VS Code Project tree) to set up all necessa

Code 229
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What Is RabbitMQ: Key Features and Uses


RabbitMQ is an open-source message broker that simplifies inter-service communication by ensuring messages are effectively queued, delivered, and processed across diverse applications. It employs the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) to provide reliable, scalable message passing, crucial for modern applications dealing with large-scale, complex data flows.

IoT 130
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Is Oracle Finally Killing MySQL?


Some 15 years ago, when Oracle acquired Sun, and hence MySQL, there was a lot of talk on the internet over when Oracle was going to “Kill MySQL” Multiple theories were circled around, ranging from killing MySQL altogether, so there is less competition to proprietary Oracle, or just killing it as an open source project, […]

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Flaky Tests Overhaul at Uber

Uber Engineering

Dive into how we tackled flakiness among thousands of tests in our CI pipelines with a modularized and configurable approach across our diverse codebase, strengthening reliability of testing infrastructure, improving efficiency in identifying and resolving issues.

Testing 97
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Hibernate Validator vs Regex vs Manual Validation: Which One Is Faster?


While I was coding for a performance back-end competition , I tried a couple of tricks, and I was wondering if there was a faster validator for Java applications, so I started a sample application. I used a very simple scenario: just validate the user's email.

Java 278

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Important Update: Streamlined Repository Management for Improved Efficiency


We’re announcing an upcoming update to our repository management system to ensure you receive the most timely updates and benefit from improved efficiency.Effective July 1st, 2024, we’ll be streamlining our repository structure on

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Podcast: Interview with Software Engineering Daily

Sutter's Mill

Also in April, I was interviewed by Jordi Mon Companys for Software Engineering Daily, and that interview was just published on the SE Daily podcast. Here is a copy of the page’s additional details, including a transcript link at bottom. The U.S. government recently released a report calling on the technical community to proactively reduce the attack surface area of software infrastructure.

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Master the Art of Querying Data on Amazon S3


In an era where data is the new oil, effectively utilizing data is crucial for the growth of every organization. This is especially the case when it comes to taking advantage of vast amounts of data stored in cloud platforms like Amazon S3 - Simple Storage Service, which has become a central repository of data types ranging from the content of web applications to big data analytics.

Big Data 278
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Learn how to create a Davis AI anomaly detector on Grail


Dynatrace Grail™ data lakehouse provides contextual analytics across unified observability, security, and business data. It allows you to query and combine data anytime using the Dynatrace Query Language (DQL). This enables exploratory data analysis and the ability to collaborate visually on the results with your colleagues. Anomaly detection in Notebooks You likely encounter “why” questions in your daily work.

Analytics 210
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Let's take a look at Percona Everest 1.0.0 RC

Percona Community

Hi, the Percona Everest 1.0.0-rc1 release was published on GitHub. Percona Everest is the first open source cloud-native platform for provisioning and managing PostgreSQL, MongoDB and MySQL database clusters. I want to tell you how to install it so you can try it out. RC builds aren’t meant for the general public; we don’t support upgrading from RC to stable versions.

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Sakila, Where Are You Going?


At Percona, we monitor our users’ needs and try to accommodate them. One aspect we monitor is the MySQL version distribution/utilization. Observing that, we identified a very interesting trend: the lack of migration from 5.7 to 8.x, or better yet, the need of many to remain on 5.7.

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Answers: Generative AI as Learning Tool


At O’Reilly, we’re not just building training materials about AI. We’re also using it to build new kinds of learning experiences. One of the ways we are putting AI to work is our update to Answers. Answers is a generative AI-powered feature that aims to answer questions in the flow of learning. It’s in every book, on-demand course, and video, and will eventually be available across our entire learning platform.

Design 79
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Managing Architectural Tech Debt


When I think about technical debt , I still remember the first application I created that made me realize the consequences of an unsuitable architecture. It happened back in the late 1990s when I was first getting started as a consultant. The client had requested the use of the Lotus Notes platform to build a procurement system for their customers. Using the Lotus Notes client and a custom application, end-users could make requests that would be tracked by the application and fulfilled by the pr

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Auto-adaptive thresholds for AI-driven quality gating


The latest release of the Site Reliability Guardian incorporates assistance from Dynatrace Davis® AI to automatically derive appropriate threshold targets and adjust them over time to protect your quality improvements. This process, known as auto-adaptive thresholding, eliminates the need to define a static threshold upfront. Instead, it derives the suitable thresholds from previous validation results.

Metrics 219
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Microsoft Introduces the Public Preview of Flex Consumption Plan for Azure Functions at Build


At the annual Build conference, Microsoft announced the flex consumption plan for Azure Functions, which brings users fast and large elastic scale, instance size selection, private networking, availability zones, and higher concurrency control.

Azure 81
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PostgreSQL 17: Two Small Improvements That Will Have a Major Impact


PostgreSQL releases are incremental evolutions that improve the product. The beta version 17 was recently released, and there are two small items you may overlook unless you have them pointed out to you. So, “Point! Point!”MERGE()MERGE() was a new feature of PostgreSQL 15.

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April talk video posted: “Safety, Security, Safety[sic] and C/C++[sic]”

Sutter's Mill

Many thanks to ACCU for inviting me back again this April. It was my first time back to ACCU (and only my second trip to Europe) since the pandemic began, and it was a delight to see many ACCUers in person again for the first time in a few years. I gave this talk, which is now up on YouTube here: It’s an evolved version of my March essay “C++ safety, in context.” I don’t like just repeating material, so the essay and the talk each covers things that the other doesn’

C++ 65
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Best Practices for Batch Processing in IBM App Connect Enterprise as a Service


Batch processing is a capability of App Connect that facilitates the extraction and processing of large amounts of data. Sometimes referred to as data copy , batch processing allows you to author and run flows that retrieve batches of records from a source, manipulate the records, and then load them into a target system. This post provides recommendations for designing flows that use batch processing.

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Dynatrace SaaS release notes version 1.293


We have released Dynatrace version 1.293. To learn what’s new, have a look at the release notes. The post Dynatrace SaaS release notes version 1.293 appeared first on Dynatrace news.

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Presentation: LIquid: A Large-Scale Relational Graph Database


Scott Meyer discusses LIquid, the graph database built to host LinkedIn, serving a ~15Tb graph at ~2M QPS.

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What’s New in Percona Toolkit 3.6.0


Percona Toolkit 3.6.0 has been released on June 12, 2024. The most important updates in this version are: The possibility to resume pt-online-schema-change if it is interrupted. eu-stack support in pt-pmp that significantly improves this tool’s performance and decreases the load it causes on production servers. New tool pt-eustack-resolver Packages for Ubuntu 24.

Servers 93
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Take a Clone it will last longer

Percona Community

So cloning is a great subject. I mean we clone sheep, we can clone human organs in time we might be able to clone humans, but thats a topic for scientist and philosophers. What is MySQL Replicaion: The MySQL clone plugin can be used to replicate data from a MySQL server to another MySQL server, and it supports replication. The cloning process creates a physical snapshot of the data, including tables, schemas, tablespaces, and data dictionary metadata.

Servers 57
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Transforming Proprietary Trace Context to W3C Trace Context


Microservices-based architecture splits applications into multiple independent deployable services, where each service provides a unique functionality. Every architectural style has pros and cons. One of the challenges of micro-service architecture is complex debugging/troubleshooting. Distributed Tracing In a microservice world, distributed tracing is the key to faster troubleshooting.

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Dynatrace Managed release notes version 1.292


We have released Dynatrace Managed version 1.292. To learn what’s new, have a look at the release notes. The post Dynatrace Managed release notes version 1.292 appeared first on Dynatrace news.

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Upgrading M3DB from v1.1 to v1.5

Uber Engineering

Innovating with Impact: Learn about our transformative journey upgrading the M3DB Database and enhancing Uber’s observability stack.

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Administering a Patroni Managed PostgreSQL Cluster


There are quite a number of methods these days for installing Patroni. I want to discuss the next step, which is how to start tuning a running system.The manner of updating a running Postgres server typically involves editing the standard Postgres files: postgresql.conf pg_hba.

Tuning 97
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Taming the Test Beast: Effective Strategies for Streamlining Software Testing


Testing stands as a formidable gatekeeper in the relentless demand for high-quality software. Testing is key to identifying defects, ensuring functionality, and ultimately delivering a.

Testing 52
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Implementing SLAs, SLOs, and SLIs: A Practical Guide for SREs


In today’s Information Technology (IT) digital transformation world, many applications are getting hosted in cloud environments every day. Monitoring and maintaining these applications daily is very challenging and we need proper metrics in place to measure and take action. This is where the importance of implementing SLAs, SLOs, and SLIs comes into the picture and it helps in effective monitoring and maintaining the system performance.

Metrics 218
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Dynatrace AI-powered platform operates on AWS Tokyo


Since March 2024, the Dynatrace ® platform has been available on AWS in Tokyo, allowing customers to leverage the latest Dynatrace capabilities from Japan. Customers benefit from the extensive set of capabilities of the new Dynatrace, including the Dynatrace Grail™ data lakehouse, Dynatrace ® AppEngine , and the new Dynatrace user experience, including powerful dashboarding capabilities and interactive Dynatrace Notebooks.

AWS 164
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From Predictive to Generative – How Michelangelo Accelerates Uber’s AI Journey

Uber Engineering

Learn about Uber’s journey from predictive to generative AI, all while supporting 10 million real-time predictions per second at peak.

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Controlling Resource Consumption on a PostgreSQL Server Using Linux cgroup2


Multi-tenancy/co-hosting is always challenging. Running multiple PG instances could help to reduce the internal contention points (scalability issues) within PostgreSQL. However, the load caused by one of the tenants could affect other tenets, which is generally referred to as the “Noisy Neighbor” effect.

Servers 97
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I can explain it to you, but I can't comprehend it for you

The Agile Manager

I’ve given my share of presentations over the years. I am under no illusions that I am anything more than a marginal presenter. My presentations are information dense, a function of how I learn. Many years ago, I realized that I learn when I’m drinking from the fire hose, not when content is spoon fed to me. I am focused and engaged with the prior; I become disinterested and disengaged with the latter.

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Observations on Cloud-Native Observability: A Journey From the Foundations of Observability to Surviving Its Challenges at Scale


Editor's Note: The following is an article written for and published in DZone's 2024 Trend Report, Cloud Native: Championing Cloud Development Across the SDLC. Cloud native and observability are an integral part of developer lives. Understanding their responsibilities within observability at scale helps developers tackle the challenges they are facing on a daily basis.

Cloud 200
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Build custom workflow actions using the Dynatrace App Toolkit


To address this challenge, the Dynatrace App Toolkit allows you to create custom workflow actions, providing seamless integration with third-party systems. This extends the capabilities of AutomationEngine for all users in your environment. Prerequisites Before you begin, please make sure you have the following: Access to a Dynatrace environment (for example [link] ) where you can install and access Dynatrace® Apps and run Workflows.

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OEMs: The 6 Questions to Ask Your Data Platform Vendors


OEMs face incredible challenges today. They’re being asked to do more with less as supply chain and operation overrun issues create a legitimate OEM crisis. And yet, more often than not, OEMs don’t consider their underlying tech stack technologies until they are way too deep into said crisis. By that point, the amount of money they need to spend to get out of the crisis almost panic-inducing—and often it’s just too late.

Latency 52