testsigma vs Testproject

Selenium vs Testsigma for continuous testing in fast-paced Agile and DevOps

Selenium is definitely one of the early and best tools out there. But Selenium alone cannot address your continuous testing needs for fast-paced agile and DevOps practices. You need to build a customized solution that is scalable and reliable using Selenium. And, it becomes a parallel development project. Is that what you should be focusing on instead of providing a solution for your customers?


Test Automation is not just about writing scripts!

It's an ecosystem of many things put together. Selenium is part of it. Let us look at the essential elements:

Multiple automation testing tools (Selenium, Appium, etc.) to write test scripts

Modular, scalable and disciplined framework to reduce scripting & maintenance efforts

On-demand and scalable test lab with test machines of different configurations

Comprehensive and dynamic reports for stakeholders at different levels

Test management to understand the automation coverage and traceability

Enterprise-class test data management to increase the test coverage

Shared object repositories. Reusability to increase the maintainability of tests

Test planning and designing capabilities to optimize the efforts and organize test asserts

Integrations with CI/CD tools to automate your continuous delivery pipelines

Integrations with bug tracking tools to automate bug isolation

Integrations with collaboration tools to stay up to date with the results and progress

Integrations with project management/test management tools for better traceability

Integrations with external test labs on-demand to increase the test coverage

Multiple automation testing tools (Selenium, Appium, etc.) to write test scripts

Modular, scalable and disciplined framework to reduce scripting & maintenance efforts

On-demand and scalable test lab with test machines of different configurations

Comprehensive and dynamic reports for stakeholders at different levels

Test management to understand the automation coverage and traceability

Enterprise-class test data management to increase the test coverage

Shared object repositories. Reusability to increase the maintainability of tests

Test planning and designing capabilities to optimize the efforts and organize test asserts

Integrations with CI/CD tools to automate your continuous delivery pipelines

Integrations with bug tracking tools to automate bug isolation

Integrations with collaboration tools to stay up to date with the results and progress

Integrations with project management/test management tools for better traceability

Integrations with external test labs on-demand to increase the test coverage


It's not a new problem to solve.
Why reinvent the wheel?


Huge initial time & cost

Due to multiple tools, setting up the framework, integrations with other tools, and high ramp-up time

Near-zero initial time and cost

Ready for continuous or agile testing with the shift-left approach. No setup, coding knowledge, and ramp-up time required.

Slow test development

Takes lots of time to create scalable, reliable, and maintainable tests due to involved programming efforts.

Test development at 10X faster

Simple English based test development, best in class reusability features let you automate tests at least 10X faster. No coding skills required.

High execution time and infra costs

Requires huge time, efforts and cost to set up a test infrastructure which can scale up and down based on your requirements

Very less execution time and infra costs

Cloud based Testsigma Lab lets you access thousands of test machines and devices to run tests in parallel.

High maintenance

Due to cryptic results and programming efforts needed it takes lots of time to maintain the tests continuously for every change in the application.

AI to save maintenance efforts by 70%

AI auto-heals your tests, creates test plans automatically on code changes, and identifies possible failures upfront.

Slower response to change

Modern applications undergo changes very frequently, but it takes a very long time and resources to change your tests accordingly.

Faster response to change

With auto-healing, identifying affected resources features and Intuitive UI can change your scripts quickly and effortlessly.

Years to achieve good coverage

Due to slow test development, continuous maintenance efforts, and lack of a unified platform for all types of apps it takes years to achieve significant test coverage.

Increased automation coverage

Simple English based test authoring with AI-driven maintenance and a unified platform for end-to-end testing increases test coverage faster.

Longer payback time(ROI)

Huge initial time & cost, dedicated team, slow test development, and high maintenance means longer payback time.

Immediate payback(ROI)

Continuous testing ready from day one, you can start seeing ROI from day one instead of months and years.

You need a dedicated test automation team

Due to the level of programming needed, only the developers and automation teams can understand the tests.

No additional resources required

Test creation in Testsigma is as simple as writing the test steps in simple English. Can be done by testers and non-technical members in your current team.

Your QA and SMEs can′t automate testing

Due to the technical barrier,you can′t let everyone automate your testing, that's against your DevOps principles.

You can let your QA and SMEs automate testing

You can let your QA and SMEs automate testing With Testsigma′s simple English based test creation even the non-technical members of your team can write tests after little training.

Experts for failure identification

Cryptic results require experts to analyze & isolate true failures, leaving out false detections and duplicates.

Actionable results for immediate actions

Doesn′t require experts to analyze and isolate true failures. Readable and actionable results let everyone take immediate action.

Less or no collaboration

With the Selenium approach, there would be very less or no collaboration between manual & automation engineers resulting in duplicate efforts.

Inbuilt collaboration for improved productivity

With Testsigma, both manual and automation engineers can collaborate on the same platforms to avoid any possible redundant efforts.

Handling design complexities

Shift left/continuous testing requires not just UI automation, but support for API, other application types like iOS, Android, etc.

Automate complex workflows

Shift left/continuous testing support not just for UI automation, but also for API, iOS, Android, Database and many other applications.

Tough for non-technical members to review

As the test cases are written in programming languages, the non-technical members cannot be involved in review of the automated test cases.

Easy to review

Everyone on the team and clients can be involved in the review of automated test cases to keep the test development in line with business requirements at all times

Continuous integration

As discussed earlier the selenium framework has to be an integral part of the testing ecosystem. Need continuous efforts to integrate with other tools.

Native integrations with all the essential tools

Testsigma readily integrates with all the project management, bug tracking, collaboration tools and tools for CI/CD workflow and test management.

Only forum for help

You may either scour the forum for an appropriate solution mentioned somewhere or you add a question and wait for an indefinite amount of time for an answer. Only a forum for help will always require more time and effort.

24x7 Support

Our support team will be there to guide you from onboarding to first tests to solving any problems - to help you achieve your goals, any time of the day.

Why Testsigma? Key differentiators

No coding knowledge required

Testsigma is built for everyone on your team to write automated tests using simple English via NLP.

Test automation is more inclusive

With Testsigma’s unified test development approach, all team members can take part in the test automation process - create them and review them. Thus, now you can achieve better test coverage faster.

Visual testing

In addition to end-to-end functional testing capabilities, Testsigma supports tracking of every pixel of your application via Visual Testing to make your applications perfect visually.

Comprehensive and dynamic reports

You can slice and dice the execution results to create custom reports for all the stakeholders at different levels.

Support for shift left testing

Start writing test cases right from the design phase. Helps you reduce the time between dev complete and testing complete significantly.

Unified platform for both manual and automated tests

Avoids possible duplicate efforts, helps you understand the coverage across manual and automation processes to make better release decisions faster.

Unified continuous testing platform

Supports automation for Web Applications, Mobile Web Applications, Android Apps, iOS Apps, API testing, Database testing, and many more.

Inbuilt test management

Requirements mapping, preconditions, reviews, assign to users, and many more for better traceability. Also, track the productivity of your team.

Enterprise-class test data management

Supports multiple internal and external data sources, makes end-to-end test data management easy and helps keep test coverage high.

AI to make tests stable and reliable

With the main focus on maintainability and stability, tests written in Testsigma are more stable and reliable than Selenium-based scripts.

Easily integratable with the other tools in the ecosystem

Integrations with CI/CD tools, collaboration tools, bug tracking tools, project management tools, cloud based test labs and APIs to integrate with other custom tools.

Don't just look at the tool cost.
With Selenium there are many other hidden and indirect cost factors

Testsigma VS Selenium
  1. Dedicated automation engineers and architects
  2. Initial time, cost and resources to build the solution
  3. Continuous framework development efforts
  4. Indirect cost due to slow test development speed
  5. Cost for infrastructure to host the solution
  6. Continuous maintenance of the test cases
  7. Initial ramp-up time and cost spent for every new resource
  8. Duplicate test management efforts due to the lack of unified platform
  9. Other elements, like test data management, integrations with other tools etc.
  10. Longer payback time due to huge investment initially