


Top Mobile Automation Testing Tools & Frameworks

Are you tired of spending countless hours manually testing your mobile apps? Look no further; we have compiled a list of the best mobile automation testing tools and frameworks to help you streamline your testing process. Choose the perfect tool or framework for your needs and take your mobile app testing to the next level.


What is Mobile Test Automation?

Mobile test automation is automated software testing that evaluates mobile application′s usability, functionality, and performance. It typically comprises mobile devices with hardware and software components; a mobile device′s hardware and software modules are tested.

Why is Mobile App Testing Important In the App Development Process?

Mobile app testing is a crucial step in the app development process. With an average of 40 apps installed on a user′s phone and millennials having up to 67 apps, ensuring a seamless experience across any device is essential. We perform mobile testing automation to achieve this goal. However, the world is divided between Android and iOS users, with 72.48% using Android and 26.91% using iOS, according to Statcounter′s research.

Automate tests for both Android and iOS for app reliability and quality with Low-code

Mobile app development for multiple devices requires thorough testing. Automation testing tools come to the rescue for faster and error-free testing, allowing for faster time to market. Parallel test execution and support for multiple data sets make automation testing a valuable tool for developers.

Why Mobile Testing Tools & How to Choose the right tool?

Mobile app testing is crucial for ensuring your mobile app′s quality, functionality, and user experience across diverse devices and operating systems. With the increasing competition in the mobile app industry, choosing the right mobile testing automation tool that can help you automate your testing process and deliver flawless apps to your users is essential.

To select the right automation tool, there are a few questions that you need to ask yourself:

  • Testing Needs: Determine app type (native, hybrid, or web) and scope (functionality, performance, or security) for specialized testing. Choose a tool with the right features to meet your requirements.

  • Platform Compatibility: Ensure the automation tool is compatible with your operating systems (Android, iOS, or both) and supports a wide range of devices, including real devices and emulators.

  • Features and Integrations: Choose a tool that supports your team′s preferred scripting language, offers reporting and analytics features, and integrates with your development tools and CI/CD pipeline.

  • Budget Considerations: Choose between open-source or commercial tools based on your budget. Look for licensing and pricing models that suit your needs, and ensure the tool comes with adequate support and training.

  • Try Before Committing: Always try the tool before committing, either with a free trial or demo. Consult online reviews and forums to hear from other users about their experiences with the tool.

Still trying to decide on the right tool? Leave it to us, book a free demo, and witness what Testsigma can do in real-time.

Best Automated Mobile App Testing Tools

1. Testsigma


Testsigma is a unified mobile app testing tool that can help speed up your testing process and ensure cross-platform. With its low-code platform, write or record automated tests in plain English, and the mobile recorder can intelligently generate self-healing test scripts without coding. This allows you to scale automation coverage out of the box rapidly.

Testsigma automates mobile app tests for Flutter SDK on 3000+ real devices for cross-platform compatibility. Gain real-time visibility into test performance and validate location-based experiences with Testsigma. Try it now!


  • A low-code recorder that makes writing and recording automated tests super easy and fast, speeding up testing by 10X.

  • Automated Flutter app testing that simplifies validating functionality in Flutter apps.

  • Cross-platform compatibility testing on 3000+ devices ensures your app works seamlessly across all platforms.

  • Dynamic data-driven testing with built-in test data management allows you to run tests with different datasets for enhanced coverage and generate random test data quickly.

  • QR code and image testing to test image-based features such as QR code flow seamlessly, specifically for Android and iOS.

  • In-depth insights on mobile app tests, providing real-time visibility into the performance of your automated tests across iOS and Android platforms.

  • Geolocation testing to validate location-based experiences allows you to set specific latitudes and longitudes to ensure location-related features function correctly for users worldwide.

Get started with your mobile automation testing with Low-code

2. Appium

Testsigma - Appium

Appium is an open-source tool used to test Android and iOS applications. It follows the WebDriver protocol and can support any framework, tools, and practices you choose. It supports the testing of native, hybrid, and mobile web apps.


  • Appium supports the testing of native, hybrid, and mobile web apps.

  • It can be used with various programming languages like Java, Ruby, C#, Javascript, PHP, and Python.

  • Appium is a cross-platform tool that can be used on various platforms without issues.

  • It provides detailed logs and reports of the testing process and supports parallel testing.

  • Appium allows source code reuse within the Android and iOS ecosystem and can be integrated with other testing frameworks like TestNG and JUnit.

Unlike Appium, Testsigma enables you to automate mobile web testing without code. Try the tool for free.

3. MonkeyRunner

Testsigma - MonkeyRunner

MonkeyRunner is a widely used testing tool for Android apps, offering functional and regression testing and multiple device controls. The test scripts can be written in Python, which is perfect for running functional-level tests and unit test suites. This tool uses Jython, which allows the MonkeyRunner API to interact with the Android framework. Moreover, MonkeyRunner can run tests and compare its output screenshots with a set of screenshots that are intended to be correct.


  • Offers functional and regression testing for Android apps

  • Allows multiple device control for testing

  • Supports Python scripting for writing test scripts

  • Uses Jython to interact with the Android framework

  • Capable of running tests and comparing screenshots

  • It helps identify regressions and functional issues.

4. Selendroid

Testsigma - Selendroid

Selendroid is a highly versatile open-source automation testing tool for Android. This tool is perfect for performing native and hybrid mobile tests and supports real devices and emulators. With its cross-browser testing capabilities, Selendroid can simultaneously run tests on multiple devices. One of the best features of Selendroid is its built-in inspector tool that can inspect UI elements for both current and outdated Android versions.


  • Supports both native and hybrid apps.

  • Supports real devices and emulators.

  • Provides cross-browser testing capabilities.

  • Can run tests on multiple devices simultaneously.

  • Comes with an inbuilt inspector tool to inspect UI elements.

Unlike Selendroid, Testsigma provides a comprehensive integration solution with CI/CD tools. You can try Testsigma now for free trial.

5. Robotium

Testsigma - Robotium

Robotium is a popular open source automation testing tool that is widely used for testing Android applications. It is known for its flexibility, as it supports all versions and subversions of Android. While its limitations include slow test execution performance and inability to manage multiple activities, it offers seamless integration with IDE. Robotium lets you write black box test cases independently for Android apps, making it a reliable choice for developers.


  • Supports all versions and subversions of Android

  • Allows writing black box test cases independently

  • Seamlessly integrates with IDE

  • Provides flexibility in testing Android apps

  • Offers a wide range of testing capabilities

  • Easy to use and implement.

6. Espresso

Testsigma - Espresso

Espresso is a powerful and reliable tool for writing Android UI tests designed by Google. It offers flexibility and customization options that cater to the developer′s needs. However, for novice users, it can be a complex tool to use.


  • Easy integration with popular tools like Jira and Jenkins

  • Support for parallel testing to save time

  • Detailed test reports for better analysis of results

  • In-built test maintenance to avoid test failures

  • Intelligent test execution to reduce false positives

  • AI-powered suggestions for faster test creation and execution.

7. UI Automator

Testsigma - UI Automator

UI Automator is an excellent tool for testing Android applications as it enables test cases to be written without needing to know the implementation details of the apps. Google has expanded this tool and can now interact with various Android apps. It is a valuable resource for users who consume apps on older versions of Android, as it can support devices starting from Android version 4.1. Additionally, the UI Automator Viewer option allows developers to scan and study UI components on mobile devices, making it easier to create concrete test cases.


  • It supports black-box and white-box testing, making it versatile for various use cases.

  • The tool can identify and interact with UI elements in multiple applications simultaneously.

  • UI Automator offers detailed reporting for test results, including screenshots, logs, and videos.

  • It can interact with system-level UI components, such as the notification bar and status bar.

  • UI Automator can be used with various scripting languages, such as Python and Java, making it accessible and flexible for developers.

  • It is integrated with Android Studio, which makes it easy to use for developers who are already using the IDE.

8. Frank

Testsigma - Frank

Frank is an open-source iOS app testing framework with a vibrant community of users. It offers the flexibility to write tests in Cucumber and integrates seamlessly with JSON. Its Symbiote feature includes an app inspector that provides detailed information on running apps, making it a powerful tool for iOS app testing. Additionally, Frank supports Continuous Integration and can handle multiple tests on devices and simulators.


  • Open-source iOS app testing framework

  • Supports writing tests in Cucumber

  • Seamless JSON integration

  • Symbiote feature includes app inspector for detailed information on running apps

  • Supports Continuous Integration

  • Can handle multiple tests on devices and simulators

9. Ranorex

Testsigma - Ranorex

Ranorex is an automation testing tool that offers end-to-end testing for mobile, web, and desktop apps; it supports Android and iOS testing. Ranorex allows for data-driven testing, has a codeless automation interface, and can be integrated with DevOps tools. Additionally, it provides comprehensive reporting with detailed results, supports multiple technologies like .NET, C#, HTML5, and Java, and offers cross-platform testing capabilities.


  • End-to-end testing for mobile, web, and desktop apps

  • Supports both Android and iOS testing

  • Data-driven testing approach

  • Integration with DevOps tools

  • Comprehensive reporting with detailed results

  • Supports multiple technologies like .NET, C#, HTML5, Java

  • Cross-platform testing capabilities.

10. EarlGrey

Testsigma - Ranorex

Developed and maintained by Google, EarlGrey is an iOS mobile app testing framework that offers features like Synchronization, Visibility Checks, and user-like interaction. Often preferred due to its synchronization, this feature lets us track different sources/states that can affect the app’s performance. For instance, the app’s UI, network glitches, and anything else that can be fixed on the go.

11. MonkeyTalk

Testsigma - MonkeyTalk

MonkeyTalk is a powerful automation testing framework for Android and iOS apps that is great for functional and regression testing. With MonkeyTalk, we can also use code written for iOS for Android, making it a versatile tool. It is perfect for beginners as it offers easy-to-comprehend scripts, and we can also write HTML and XML reports. MonkeyTalk supports testing on emulators and devices; if errors or crashes occur, it takes screenshots and lets us record the tests. We can manipulate and manage the tests for effective results.


  • The code written for iOS can also be used for Android.

  • Easy-to-comprehend scripts make it perfect for beginners.

  • We can write HTML and XML reports for better analysis.

  • Testing can be done on both emulators and devices.

  • MonkeyTalk takes screenshots and lets us record the tests if any errors or crashes occur.

  • Tests can be manipulated and managed for effective results.

Top Mobile Test Automation Frameworks For Different Apps

To manage the increasing software testing workload, companies prefer relying on mobile test automation frameworks to automate scripted tests on a large scale of real devices. Companies use mobile test automation frameworks to manage software testing workloads. Understanding how each framework works is crucial to determining test execution speed and efficiency, meeting testing needs, and achieving business goals.

Common Mobile Test Frameworks

Here are the top 5 mostly used mobile test frameworks:

1. Testsigma

Testsigma - dashboard

Testsigma is a unified test automation platform that allows you to automate desktop, mobile, and API testing all from one place. Writing scripts with Testsigma is as simple as writing in simple English, making it an excellent option for technical and non-technical users. Writing scripts is as simple as writing simple English. Sign up and try it for free.

Some of the key features of Testsigma include:

  • Supports Web, Mobile, Desktop, and API testing.

  • Provides AI-powered test automation capabilities, reducing test creation and maintenance times.

  • Supports seamless integration with popular CI/CD and bug-tracking tools.

  • Provides real-time reports and analytics, giving you better visibility into test results.

  • Supports parallel test execution, reducing the overall testing time.

2. Appium

Testsigma - Appium

Appium is a widely used mobile test automation framework capable of automating Android and iOS native, web, and hybrid apps. One of the biggest advantages of this framework is that it allows you to write Appium scripts in almost any programming language.

Some of the key features of Appium include:

  • Cross-platform support for Android and iOS devices.

  • Ability to automate both native and hybrid mobile apps.

  • Supports numerous programming languages such as Java, Python, Ruby, etc.

  • Supports multiple testing frameworks like JUnit, NUnit, TestNG, etc.

  • Capable of running tests on real devices and emulators.

  • Supports parallel test execution, reducing the overall testing time.


Testsigma - Espresso

Espresso is an Android test automation framework that Google open-sourced. It allows you to write concise Android UI tests, making it an excellent choice for mobile app testing.

Some of the key features of Espresso include:

  • Supports writing concise and readable UI tests.

  • Provides automatic synchronization of test actions with the UI thread, ensuring test stability.

  • Supports running tests on both emulators and real devices.

  • Provides APIs for testing both native and hybrid Android apps.

  • Supports parallel test execution, reducing the overall testing time.

  • AI-powered suggestions for faster test creation and execution.


Testsigma - Detox

Detox is a JavaScript-based mobile testing framework that makes test execution fast and robust.

Some of the key features of Detox include:

  • Supports testing of both Android and iOS apps.

  • Provides automatic synchronization with the app′s UI, ensuring test stability.

  • Supports writing tests in JavaScript, making it easy for developers to create and maintain tests.

  • Provides support for running tests on both simulators and real devices.

  • Supports parallel test execution, reducing the overall testing time.


Testsigma - Calabash

Calabash is a cross-platform test automation framework supporting Android and iOS native and hybrid applications. Its easy-to-understand syntax makes it accessible to non-technical users.

Some of the key features of Detox include:

  • Supports cross-platform testing of both Android and iOS apps.

  • Provides an easy-to-understand syntax, making it accessible to non-technical users.

  • Supports running tests on both emulators and real devices.

  • Supports writing tests in multiple programming languages like Ruby, Java, and .NET.

  • Supports parallel test execution, reducing the overall testing time.

6. UI Automator

Testsigma - UI Automator

UI Automator helps you perform more UI testing against Android apps and games. It provides a range of features for debugging and testing your app′s user interface, but it does not support Webview to access Android objects directly.

Some of the key features of UI Automator include:

  • Supports UI testing of Android apps and games.

  • Provides detailed reports on test results and app performance.

  • Supports integration with popular testing frameworks such as JUnit and TestNG.

  • Provides APIs for testing both native and hybrid Android apps.

  • Supports running tests on both emulators and real devices.

Criteria for Selecting a Mobile Test Automation Frameworks

Selecting the right mobile test automation framework can be daunting, as numerous options are available in the market. Some of the key criteria to consider when selecting a mobile test automation framework are:

  • Platform Compatibility: Ensure the framework supports the mobile app platform and its versions.

  • Integration Capabilities: The framework should be able to integrate with other tools and the CI/CD pipeline.

  • Ease of Use: Choose a framework with a user-friendly interface and programming language support for the team.

  • Device Compatibility: The framework should support test execution on various devices with different screen sizes, resolutions, and hardware specifications.

  • Reporting and Analytics: The framework should provide robust reporting and analytics capabilities for testers to track progress and identify issues.

  • Support: The framework should have active support from an active community of users, developers, or experts.

Which Is Best Automation Tools For Mobile Testing?

Mobile testing is an essential aspect of software development, and it′s crucial to find the right automation tool to ensure efficiency and accuracy. One option that stands out is Testsigma, which offers a range of features tailored to mobile testing. It′s a cloud-based platform that enables easy collaboration and integration with other tools, and its AI-powered test automation technology simplifies test creation and maintenance. Testsigma′s user-friendly interface also makes it accessible to testers of all levels. If you′re in the market for a reliable and comprehensive automation tool for mobile testing, Testsigma is definitely worth exploring.

Sign up for a free trial for a simple, scalable mobile test automation platform.


Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Automate My Mobile Test?

By choosing a proper tool that supports testing on various versions of Android and iOS. Like Testsgima, the test cases can be written in simple English, and the automated tests are maintained by AI. readily available, scalability is at your fingertips because tests are performed on the cloud.

Can we Automate Mobile Device Testing?

How Many Types of mobile Automation Testing are Available for Mobile Devices?

Is it possible for mobile testing tools to assist with app store optimization (ASO) for mobile apps?

Which framework is best for mobile app automation?

What Are The Common Challenges In Mobile Test Automation?