This blog was originally published in March of 2023 and updated in November of 2023.

Recently, “serverless” has become a buzzword, and for good reason. The goal is to simplify the provisioning and management of database capacity. One approach is to separate compute and storage to allow for independent scaling.

We are thrilled to announce our collaboration with Neon (Neon – Serverless, Fault-Tolerant, Branchable Postgres) to provide a Serverless PostgreSQL that you can control and manage yourself.

In this blog, we will provide a comprehensive overview of what Serverless PostgreSQL is and discuss Percona’s collaboration with Neon in more detail.

Understanding the Rise of Serverless Databases

A number of factors changing the way we think about database deployment and maintenance are responsible for this surge in the popularity of serverless databases. With serverless databases, users can forget about servers, operating systems, and complicated database software, freeing them from the complexities of infrastructure management. Rather, they provide an integrated, turnkey solution that frees developers and businesses to concentrate on what really matters: their data and applications. 

Cost efficiency is yet another strong motivator. Serverless databases provide an economic benefit by charging users only for the resources they use under a pay-as-you-go model. This means that resources can be automatically scaled up or down in response to workload fluctuations, meaning there are no longer any significant upfront costs associated with provisioning hardware or wasted capacity. 

Auto-scaling is also a game-changer. Serverless databases are excellent at adapting to changing workloads on their own. The database service easily adjusts to the ups and downs in demand for your application, guaranteeing a steady user experience.

Looking to achieve high Availability on PostgreSQL with open source tools? Read our eBook to learn more!

What is Serverless PostgreSQL?

Serverless PostgreSQL is a cloud-based, managed database service that leverages the power of PostgreSQL as its core database engine. By removing the need for users to manage the finer points of database infrastructure, it represents a revolutionary approach to database management. Developers can concentrate on their applications and data with Serverless PostgreSQL, as the service provider handles all provisioning, scaling, patching, and backup tasks. 

In addition, it offers the robust capabilities and dependability that PostgreSQL is known for, along with features like auto-scaling, high availability, and seamless disaster recovery. 

What are the Key Features and Characteristics of Serverless PostgreSQL?

Here, we will take a look at the key attributes and features that make Serverless PostgreSQL an appealing option for database administration. We will look at how it improves the effectiveness of your database infrastructure and streamlines operations with features like auto-scaling, data security, and high availability.

Auto-scaling capabilities

Dynamic auto-scaling is one of Serverless PostgreSQL’s most notable features. This means that the database service can adapt its resources on the fly to meet the demands of the workload. Your application automatically scales up to maintain consistent performance during abrupt spikes in traffic and down to reduce expenses when the traffic decreases. This feature saves organizations money and gives developers a hassle-free experience while maintaining optimal performance — without the need for manual intervention.

Data security and compliance

Data security and compliance are top priorities for Serverless PostgreSQL. Usually, it has built-in security features like user access controls, compliance certifications, and encryption both in transit and at rest. By taking these precautions, you can make sure that your data is safe and that you can comply with data handling regulations. This is especially crucial for companies that handle sensitive data or work in highly regulated fields.

Automated backups and recovery

Data protection is made easier by Serverless PostgreSQL’s automated backup and recovery features. The service can effectively recover your data to a specified point in time in the event of data loss or system failures. Regular backups are automatically created and stored securely. As a result, you can relax knowing that in the event of an emergency, your vital data is secure and can be promptly restored.

Database monitoring

PostgreSQL serverless provides strong database monitoring features, enabling you to monitor your database instances’ health and performance closely. Utilizing specialized database monitoring tools, such as Percona Monitoring and Management, which offer thorough insights into your database’s performance, resource utilization, and possible problems, can streamline this process. 

Integration with other serverless services

Serverless PostgreSQL can seamlessly integrate with other serverless services offered by cloud providers, meaning you can combine the benefits of Serverless PostgreSQL with functions, storage, and other cloud resources. Through these integrations, you can fully utilize serverless technologies to create robust, scalable, and affordable applications.

High Availability

The design of serverless PostgreSQL services prioritizes high availability by replicating your data across multiple geographic regions and providing automated failover mechanisms. Your database automatically switches to a healthy instance in the event of server or infrastructure failures, minimizing downtime and guaranteeing your users’ uninterrupted service.

Discover the power of Percona for PostgreSQL high availability. Request a free consultation to learn more!

Introducing Neon: A Game Changer in Serverless PostgreSQL

So, what is Neon? It’s an open source alternative to AWS Aurora Postgres that utilizes a serverless architecture. By separating storage and compute, Neon replaces the PostgreSQL storage layer with data nodes, and compute nodes are distributed across a cluster of nodes.


A Neon installation consists of compute nodes and the Neon storage engine. Compute nodes are stateless PostgreSQL nodes backed by the Neon storage engine.

Neon Percona Serverless Postgres

One of the benefits of separating storage from compute nodes is the ability to scale them independently. For instance, if we run out of storage space, we can easily add additional storage nodes without affecting the PostgreSQL instances.

On the other hand, if we reach the limit of our compute nodes, we can simply add more compute nodes separately. This is because the compute nodes are stateless in this architecture, meaning they can be scaled without affecting the system’s performance.

By separating the storage from compute nodes, we’re able to optimize our resources and easily scale up as needed without disrupting the overall system. This approach allows for more efficient use of resources and improved performance.


Neon uses copy-on-write snapshots on Storage Nodes, which allows a very cheap way to branch data.

Have you ever wanted the ability to fork your data set and work on it independently, similar to using Git branches? This can now be achieved with ease using Serverless PostgreSQL. Simply fork your data, conduct experiments, and have peace of mind knowing that your primary data set remains unaffected.

main data tree

Please subscribe to our newsletter for more blog articles and documentation on how to use Branches!


Percona provides binary builds for Serverless PostgreSQL based on the Neon. This is the only place where you can get pre-built binaries and help with how to use them.

At this point, the binaries are EXPERIMENTAL and ONLY FOR TESTING purposes. Percona does not provide official support for the build at this moment.

Binary releases location

The binaries for releases are hosted on the GitHub release page:

Releases · Percona-Lab/neon (

Website location 



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If you would like to talk with us about builds for Serverless PostgreSQL, are interested in support, or want to stay in touch for future updates, leave your contact details in the form below.

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What is a serverless database?

A serverless database is a cloud-based database service that does not require users to handle infrastructure management tasks like scaling, maintenance, and server management. Users can focus solely on their application and data because the database provider takes care of provisioning, scaling, and backup for you.

What is serverless PostgreSQL?

Serverless PostgreSQL is a cloud-based, managed database service that offers PostgreSQL as its database engine. It allows users to deploy and use PostgreSQL databases without the need to manage the infrastructure or perform traditional database administration tasks like scaling, patching, or backups. Users pay for the actual resources used rather than pre-allocated fixed capacity, making it a cost-effective and scalable solution for PostgreSQL workloads.

Can PostgreSQL be run serverless?

Yes, PostgreSQL can be operated serverless via managed database services or cloud providers. By automating a large portion of database administration, these services let users scale and deploy PostgreSQL databases without having to worry about managing server instances.

What is Neon, and how did they collaborate with Percona?

Neon is a fully managed serverless Postgres solution. To provide bottomless storage, autoscaling, and branching, they keep storage and computation separate. Percona provides binary builds for Serverless PostgreSQL based on the Neon.

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