This blog was originally published in April 2023 and was updated in April 2024.

PostgreSQL is a popular open source relational database management system that is widely used for storing and managing data. One of the common issues that can be encountered in PostgreSQL is replication lag.

In this blog, we will discuss what replication lag is, why it occurs, and how to mitigate it in PostgreSQL.

What is replication lag in PostgreSQL?

Replication lag is the delay between the time when data is written to the primary database and the time when it is replicated to the standby databases. In PostgreSQL, replication lag can occur due to various reasons such as network latency, slow disk I/O, long-running transactions, etc.

Replication lag can have serious consequences in high-availability systems where standby databases are used for failover. If the replication lag is too high, it can result in data loss when failover occurs.

The most common approach is to run a query referencing this view in the primary node.

Queries to check in the Standby node:

Why does replication lag occur in PostgreSQL?

Replication lag can occur due to various reasons, such as:

Network latency:

Network latency is the delay caused by the time it takes for data to travel between the primary and standby databases.

Various factors, such as the distance between the databases, network congestion, etc., can cause this delay:

Related Learning: How To Measure the Network Impact on PostgreSQL Performance

Slow disk I/O:

Slow disk I/O can be caused by various factors such as disk fragmentation, insufficient disk space, etc. Slow disk I/O can delay writing data to the standby databases.

Long-running transactions:

Long-running transactions can cause replication lag because the changes made by these transactions are not replicated until the transaction is committed.

A poor configuration:

Some examples include setting low numbers of max_wal_senders while processing huge numbers of transaction requests.

Sometimes the server recycles old WAL segments before the backup can finish and cannot find the WAL segment from the primary.

Usually, this is also due to the checkpointing behavior where WAL segments are rotated or recycled.

Mitigating replication lag in PostgreSQL

There are several ways to mitigate replication lag in PostgreSQL, such as:

Increasing the network bandwidth:

Increasing the network bandwidth between the primary and standby databases can help reduce replication lag caused by network latency.

Using asynchronous replication:

Asynchronous replication can help reduce replication lag by allowing the standby databases to lag behind the primary database.

This means that the standby databases do not have to wait for the primary database to commit transactions before replicating the data.

Read More: Exploring Different Types of MySQL Replication Solutions

Tuning PostgreSQL configuration parameters:

Tuning the PostgreSQL configuration parameters such as wal_buffers, max_wal_senders, etc., can help improve replication performance and reduce replication lag.

Monitoring replication lag:

Monitoring replication lag can help identify the cause of the lag and take appropriate actions to mitigate it.

PostgreSQL provides several tools, such as pg_stat_replication, pg_wal_receiver_stats, etc., for monitoring replication lag.

Leveraging Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL to Address Replication Lag

Replication lag is a common issue in PostgreSQL that can seriously affect high-availability systems.

Understanding the causes of replication lag and taking appropriate measures to mitigate it can help ensure the availability and reliability of the database system.

By increasing network bandwidth, using asynchronous replication, tuning PostgreSQL configuration parameters, and monitoring replication lag, administrators can mitigate replication lag and ensure a more stable and reliable database environment.

Our PostgreSQL Performance Tuning eBook condenses years of database expertise into a practical guide for optimizing your PostgreSQL databases. Inside, you’ll discover our most effective PostgreSQL performance strategies derived from real-world experience.


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What is PostgreSQL replication lag, and why does it occur?

Replication lag in PostgreSQL occurs when there is a delay between the time a transaction is committed on the primary server and when it is applied to the replica. This can happen due to network latency, high transaction volumes, or resource constraints on the replica.

How does replication lag affect the performance and reliability of a PostgreSQL database?

Replication lag can affect performance by causing outdated reads on replicas and complicating failover processes. It impacts reliability as it may lead to data inconsistencies between the primary and replicas if not managed properly.

What are the common causes of replication lag in PostgreSQL?

Common causes include network issues, insufficient replica resources (CPU, memory, I/O), high write loads on the primary, and inefficient queries that strain the replica.

How can you measure and monitor replication lag in PostgreSQL?

Replication lag can be measured and monitored using built-in functions like pg_stat_replication, which provides the delay in bytes or seconds. Tools like pgAdmin or third-party monitoring solutions can also track replication performance.

What strategies can be employed to reduce or eliminate replication lag in PostgreSQL?

Strategies include optimizing network throughput, ensuring replicas have adequate resources, using faster storage solutions, adjusting WAL parameters to improve throughput, and more effectively balancing loads across replicas.

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Rodrigo Cadaval

I think it’s fare to explain briefly the consequences of asynchronous replication. It’s arguable that generating sporadic lag will reduce general replication lag. Another important parameters to consider in wal writes are checkpoint_timeout and also min and max_wal_size.