PostgreSQL’s reputation as a powerful, open source database management system has been steadily rising, making it a top choice for businesses looking to upgrade or switch their database infrastructure. Thanks to its comprehensive SQL compliance, scalability, performance, and cost efficiency, it stands out as a preferred option among developers and database administrators. It is so popular that 71% of them rated it the most desired database in the 2023 Stack Overflow Developer survey!

However, moving to PostgreSQL can present challenges for unfamiliar users. In this blog, we’ll explore some best practices for PostgreSQL migration, including crucial planning steps, tools to make the move more manageable, and post-migration tips to ensure a seamless and effective transition. But before we get into those details, if you’re still on the fence about making the move, let’s take a more in-depth look at why you should consider migrating to PostgreSQL…

Why migrate to PostgreSQL?

Opting for PostgreSQL often originates from a desire to leverage the database’s superior performance and dependability, to break free from the constraints of existing database systems or expensive contracts, or to take advantage of PostgreSQL’s rich feature set. Below are some of the key reasons why a migration to PostgreSQL may be right for you:

Cost reduction 

By eliminating the licensing fees of proprietary databases, PostgreSQL significantly reduces database operational costs, making it an attractive option for cost-conscious businesses.

Freedom from vendor lock-in 

Speaking of the shift away from proprietary databases, because PostgreSQL is a fully open source platform, it empowers organizations to avoid vendor lock-in, providing more flexibility and control over their data infrastructure.

Superior performance 

PostgreSQL is celebrated for its exceptional performance and scalability, especially when managing extensive datasets and complex operations. This capability aligns well with the requirements of data-intensive applications.

High availability and disaster recovery features 

With features such as replication, failover, and point-in-time recovery, PostgreSQL is equipped to maintain high availability and reduce downtime during failures or catastrophic events.

Regulatory compliance and security 

The security features in PostgreSQL, including data encryption, role-based access management, and auditing capabilities, are designed to assist organizations in meeting regulatory compliance standards.

Community and support 

A vibrant community and extensive ecosystem mean support and resources are readily available, making the adoption process smoother and more manageable.

The importance of planning a migration to PostgreSQL

As always, a successful database migration invariably starts with meticulous planning. Begin by setting clear goals for the migration process, which could range from improving database performance to reducing operational costs. It’s essential to have a deep understanding of your current database infrastructure; this includes evaluating the size, complexity, and specific configurations of your existing setup. Early identification of possible challenges, like compatibility problems or the risk of data loss, is critical in formulating effective strategies to address these issues.

Effective migration planning entails several key steps:

1. Define clear goals 

Begin by specifying your migration goals. Whether it’s to achieve better performance, reduce operational costs, or a combination of these, having clear objectives will direct your choices.

2. Understand your current database 

Conduct a thorough examination of your existing database’s schema, data volume, and any custom configurations or extensions. Knowing the ins and outs of your present system is vital for choosing the migration approach that will address particular requirements and challenges.

3. Identify your challenges 

Identifying possible issues early on, such as compatibility problems, concerns about data integrity, and dependencies on applications, is crucial. By foreseeing these challenges, you can minimize risks and make the migration smoother.

4. Choose a migration strategy 

Choose one that matches your objectives and the specifics of your current setup. This strategy should outline the migration process steps, including data extraction, transformation, loading, and subsequent data verification and testing procedures. (More on this in a bit.)

5. Resource planning 

Assess and allocate the necessary resources for the migration. This includes not just the hardware infrastructure but also personnel and training requirements to support the migration process and ongoing maintenance of the PostgreSQL database.

6. Prepare for contingencies 

Develop a rollback plan if the migration encounters critical issues or unforeseen circumstances. This ensures that you can revert to the original state if the migration encounters critical issues, thus mitigating risks and ensuring business continuity.

7. Develop a communication plan 

Maintain transparency and manage expectations by setting up a communication plan. This should keep all stakeholders informed about the migration’s progress and any potential impacts, facilitating smoother transitions and adjustments.

Maintain data integrity, reduce downtime, and achieve strategic goals with our eBook Proven Best Practices for Database Migration Success 

PostgreSQL migration methodologies: Strategies and tools

Migrating to PostgreSQL requires strategic planning and execution to ensure data integrity, minimize downtime, and take full advantage of PostgreSQL’s advanced capabilities. Organizations contemplating a move to PostgreSQL can select from various methods and approaches tailored to facilitate a seamless and effective migration. The optimal strategy will vary based on the current database’s size and complexity, acceptable downtime levels, and available resources. Below is a summary of the principal strategies for migrating to PostgreSQL and an outline of valuable tools.

PostgreSQL migration strategies

Schema conversion

This strategy involves converting the existing database schema to be compatible with PostgreSQL, which is essential for accurately transferring the data structure, encompassing tables, indexes, and relationships. Tools such as pgloader or the AWS Schema Conversion Tool can aid this process, though manual effort may be necessary for more complicated situations.

  • Pros: It addresses compatibility upfront, smoothing the path for subsequent migration steps. It also simplifies the migration process by automatically translating schemas.
  • Cons: Unique or proprietary features of the original database may need hands-on adjustments to achieve complete compatibility.

Data migration

Following schema migration, the next step is to migrate the actual data. This involves choosing a method that ensures data integrity and minimizes downtime. Techniques vary from simple export-import operations to more complex incremental replication methods, depending on the size of the database and the need for continuity during migration. Here’s a brief overview of these methods:

Dump and restore

This method entails generating a database dump from the source database and restoring it to a new PostgreSQL instance. It’s best suited for smaller databases or contexts where downtime is less of a concern. Utilizing tools like pg_dump and pg_restore, this approach offers a direct path for migration.

Logical replication

The logical replication capability of PostgreSQL allows for the streaming of data modifications from the source database to the target PostgreSQL database, drastically reducing downtime and facilitating a smoother transition. To implement this method, tools such as pg_logical_replication and extensions like pglogical enhance the data migration’s efficiency and seamlessness.

Physical replication

This approach establishes a physical link between the source and target databases, ensuring continuous data synchronization. This is particularly advantageous for larger databases or situations where keeping downtime to a minimum is crucial. Physical replication uses tools like pg_basebackup and pg_rewind, guaranteeing continuous data transfer from the old to the new PostgreSQL setup.

Hybrid approaches

Sometimes, several strategies might be adopted to meet the unique needs and limitations of the migration project.

Application migration

Migrating applications to PostgreSQL demands a thorough update and adaptation of current applications to ensure seamless operation with a PostgreSQL database. This step is crucial to maintain application functionality and performance, especially when moving from a different database system. Critical steps in this process include identifying and resolving compatibility issues related to SQL dialects, data types, and specific database functionalities, which may necessitate code adjustments or complete rewrites for PostgreSQL compatibility.

Updating database connection strings is essential to facilitate communication with the new PostgreSQL instance, requiring alterations to server hostnames, ports, database names, and authentication specifics. Additionally, SQL queries and stored procedures often need modifications or optimizations to align with PostgreSQL’s capabilities and achieve optimal performance.

Careful mapping of data types between systems is critical to prevent data loss, and extensive testing—including unit, integration, and performance tests—is crucial to verify the application’s operation with PostgreSQL. 

Essential PostgreSQL migration tools

A variety of tools can support the migration process, each offering different features to address the various aspects of migration. Here’s a quick summary:


This open source tool automates the migration of schemas, data, and indexes to PostgreSQL, significantly reducing manual effort. It handles schema and data migration and offers a fast and efficient way to move databases to PostgreSQL.

  • Pros: It simplifies migration and accommodates a variety of source databases.
  • Cons: Some customizations may not be fully automated, requiring additional manual configuration. 

AWS Database Migration Service 

Ideal for migrations to AWS-managed PostgreSQL, facilitating a seamless transition across similar and different database platforms. It is equipped to handle homogeneous migrations, such as those from one PostgreSQL database to another, as well as heterogeneous migrations, for instance, moving from Oracle to PostgreSQL. This service is designed to streamline the migration process, making it a straightforward choice for organizations looking to leverage the benefits of PostgreSQL within the AWS ecosystem.

  • Pros: Minimizes downtime and integrates well within the AWS ecosystem.
  • Cons: Its utility is contingent on using AWS services, which may not align with all business strategies.


Specifically designed for Oracle to PostgreSQL migrations, ora2pg supports a comprehensive range of conversion needs, including complex PL/SQL codes, making it a go-to tool for those moving from Oracle environments.

  • Pros: A robust solution for Oracle migrations, facilitating detailed conversions.
  • Cons: It has a learning curve for optimizing its extensive capabilities.


While primarily a management tool for PostgreSQL, pgAdmin can also assist in the migration process through its import/export capabilities, helping administrators manage data movement.

Each tool has its strengths, and the best choice depends on your specific migration scenario, source database, and requirements.

Post-migration: Ensuring a smooth transition

This phase demands a comprehensive approach that begins with validating the migration’s success. Key steps include exhaustive testing of the migrated data for accuracy and integrity, performance benchmarking to evaluate the new database’s functionality against expectations and the previous setup, and verifying that applications seamlessly interact with the PostgreSQL database as anticipated. Beyond that, it’s imperative to establish a monitoring routine to consistently monitor the performance and health of the PostgreSQL database, allowing for the prompt identification and resolution of any issues that may arise. Together, these measures ensure that the migration meets and exceeds expectations.

Here are some of the best practices for post-migration follow-up:

Data verification 

It’s crucial to confirm that all data has been accurately migrated and preserved, ensuring no loss or corruption has occurred.

Performance testing 

It’s essential to assess your PostgreSQL database’s performance compared to set benchmarks and the capabilities of the former system. This evaluation helps pinpoint any performance dips or enhancements.

Application testing 

Verifying applications and services utilizing the database function correctly and without unforeseen complications is vital. This confirms that the migration doesn’t adversely affect application efficiency or the user experience.

Monitor, monitor, and monitor some more 

Vigilant monitoring of the PostgreSQL environment after migration, utilizing tools like Percona Monitoring and Management, is key for spotting areas for optimization and maintaining optimal performance.

Engage with the community 

The PostgreSQL community and professional support services offer invaluable resources for navigating post-migration challenges and optimizing database operations. Leveraging the PostgreSQL community, forums, and professional support services can provide valuable insights and assistance navigating post-migration challenges.

Why Percona is a top choice for PostgreSQL migrations

Want to migrate your current database to PostgreSQL or deploy a new instance but are unsure if you’re ready to do it on your own? We can help. Percona is renowned for its deep expertise in open source databases, including PostgreSQL. Our team consists of experienced professionals who have contributed to the PostgreSQL community and have extensive knowledge of its inner workings. 

Choosing Percona for PostgreSQL migration offers compelling advantages for organizations seeking a seamless transition to a robust, feature-rich database environment tailored to enterprise demands. Here’s why Percona stands out as the premier choice for PostgreSQL migrations:

Enterprise-grade PostgreSQL out of the box

While you could just migrate to regular-old PostgreSQL, Percona delivers an enterprise-grade PostgreSQL experience straight out of the box. It combines PostgreSQL’s reliability and feature set with essential add-ons for high availability, security, and monitoring. This integrated solution is designed for the most demanding environments, offering the software and support services necessary for an optimized PostgreSQL experience. With Percona, organizations can deploy PostgreSQL databases confidently, backed by expert support and managed services, without facing vendor lock-in.

Overcoming vanilla PostgreSQL limitations

While PostgreSQL is celebrated for its performance and extensive features, deploying it in enterprise settings can be challenging, and vanilla PostgreSQL may lack specific enterprise-grade features necessary for complex deployments. Percona addresses these challenges by providing a distribution that includes a carefully selected, certified, and tested set of tools and extensions essential for high availability, disaster recovery, and efficient management. This approach ensures a seamless deployment experience, avoiding the complexities and limitations of vanilla PostgreSQL.

Percona’s offering encompasses both software and expert services

Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL integrates the best enterprise-level components from the open source community, ensuring seamless functionality as a single solution. This distribution includes reliability and security enhancements, meeting enterprise deployments’ rigorous demands.

Percona Operator for PostgreSQL automates the entire lifecycle of PostgreSQL database operations in Kubernetes environments, simplifying cloud-native strategies and ensuring high availability and failover capabilities.

Percona Monitoring and Management provides deep insights into database behavior, identifying performance issues and ensuring optimal operation.

Percona’s support and services extend beyond software to include dedicated assistance for PostgreSQL installations. We offer comprehensive support throughout the migration process, from initial planning and assessment to execution and optimization post-migration. We offer specialized support services catering to various needs, managed services that extend your database team, and consulting services executed under a clearly defined scope agreement. 

Whether optimizing current setups or migrating from different systems, Percona provides clear pathways and resources, ensuring a streamlined, efficient migration to PostgreSQL. See why customers choose Percona for PostgreSQL.


Learn About Percona’s Migration Services    Download our Free Database Migration Checklist


What is the best way to migrate a PostgreSQL database?

The optimal way to migrate a PostgreSQL database is to use tools like pg_dump for exporting data from the source database and pg_restore for importing data into the target database. This method is reliable and allows for flexibility in managing database schemas and data. Planning, testing, and validation are also crucial steps in the migration process to ensure data integrity and system compatibility.

Why migrate to PostgreSQL?

Migrating to PostgreSQL offers several advantages, including robust data integrity, strong compliance with SQL standards, and extensive support for advanced data types and functionalities. Additionally, PostgreSQL’s open source nature ensures cost-effectiveness and a vibrant community for support. Its performance, scalability, and reliability make it an attractive option for businesses looking to leverage powerful database solutions.

What steps should you take to migrate to PostgreSQL?

  1. Assessment and planning: Evaluate your current database setup and define your migration goals.
  2. Schema migration: Use tools like pg_dump to export your database schema and apply it to the PostgreSQL environment.
  3. Data migration: Migrate your data using pg_dump for export and pg_restore for import, or consider using more sophisticated tools for larger databases.
  4. Testing: Rigorously test the migrated database for integrity, performance, and compatibility with applications.
  5. Optimization: Tune the PostgreSQL database for optimal performance based on the specific use cases.
  6. Deployment: Plan a cut-over to the new system with minimal downtime. Implement replication or other strategies if zero downtime is required.
  7. Maintenance and support: Ensure ongoing optimization, monitoring, and support post-migration.
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