Many organizations are turning to open source solutions to streamline their operations and reduce costs. Open source migration can be a game-changer, offering flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. However, it’s not without its challenges. Below, we’ll explore the common pitfalls of open source migration and provide insights on how to avoid them.

Common pitfalls when migrating to open source

Lack of proper planning

Proper is the operative word here. Some level of planning is expected when migrating to open source. Heck, typing “database migration plan” into Google and reading this blog could constitute planning. But what separates proper planning from, well, “planning” planning?

In brief, a proper database migration plan includes: 

  • Establishing clear objectives:  Define what you want to achieve and how open source will get there. Are you looking to cut costs? Free yourself from lock-in? Provide self-service to developers?
  • Creating a detailed project plan: Develop a comprehensive project plan that outlines the tasks, timelines, and responsibilities of all stakeholders.
  • Taking stock of resources:  Do you have the right people with the necessary skills on board? Or is it necessary to call in an expert third party? Can you allocate an appropriate budget and time frame for the project?
  • Identifying and mitigating risks: Conduct a thorough risk assessment to identify potential obstacles. Develop strategies to mitigate these risks and have contingency plans in place.
  • Communication and training: Keep all stakeholders informed about the progress and changes throughout the migration process. Provide training to staff members, DBAs, and developers to ensure they are well-prepared for the transition.
  • Testing and QA: Test the open source solution thoroughly to identify and address any issues before the full-scale migration.

Bottom line: Avoid a rushed migration to open source. The last thing you want to do is struggle with project scope, timelines, and resource allocation.

Inadequate training

Transitioning to open source requires a team that understands your target database solution. Failure to provide adequate training to your operations and development staff— on database configuration knowledge, best practices, and backup and recovery techniques, to name a few key areas — can lead to frustration, resistance, and inefficiencies. 

Neglecting compatibility issues

Compatibility between existing systems and open source software is critical. Neglecting this aspect can result in data loss, functionality issues, and integration challenges. To assess compatibility and ensure a successful database migration, we recommend doing the following: 

  • Assessment: Assess your existing database, applications, and infrastructure. Document the current state, including data schemas, stored procedures, and dependencies.
  • Data mapping and transformation: Create a detailed data map that identifies the structure and format of your existing data. Use ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) tools to assist with this process.
  • Testing: Create a testing environment that mirrors your production setup. Test the migration thoroughly, including data integrity, application functionality, and performance. 
  • Modify or refactor applications: If your applications are tightly coupled with the proprietary database, you may need to modify or refactor them to work with the open source database. This could involve changing SQL queries, database drivers, or data access layers.
  • Data validation and migration: Before migration, ensure that your data is clean and consistent. Remove duplicates, address data quality issues, and validate data to prevent issues during migration.

Overlooking security

We wrote about this topic in greater depth in our blog post, Open Source Software Security: Is Open Source Software Safe? but, in short, open source software is no more or less secure than proprietary software. Still, misconfigurations and lax security practices when migrating can expose your organization to vulnerabilities. So take the time to ensure that the open source database meets your security and compliance requirements — conducting security audits and implementing necessary access controls and encryption measures.

Underestimating customization efforts

Open source software often requires customization to meet specific business, security, and compliance needs. For example, PostgreSQL, a popular destination for organizations leaving proprietary databases like Oracle, is not enterprise-ready out of the box. It lacks many of the high availability and security features critical for production environments. Underestimating the effort required for customization can lead to project delays.

Poor communication

Effective communication among stakeholders is crucial. Miscommunication can lead to unclear expectations, misaligned priorities, scope creep, decision delays, and risk ignorance. It can also exacerbate any of the aforementioned problems. Clearly communicate project goals with all necessary stakeholders, provide regular updates, ensure transparency, and thoroughly define roles, responsibilities, and expectations. 

Budget and resource constraints

Cost-saving is a key driver of open source adoption. Yet, many open source migration costs can escalate if not managed properly. Then, there are the opportunity costs that can originate from a delayed (or botched) migration. What happens, for example, if you experience prolonged periods of downtime? Give serious consideration to both the ability of your on-staff to execute a migration as well as the need to budget for any unforeseen expenses. 

Failure to conduct quality assurance and testing

Thorough database migration testing is essential to ensure that the open source solution functions correctly. Skipping this step can lead to post-migration issues. Specifically, quality assurance and testing should involve:

  • Functional testing: Ensure that all features and functions of the open source solution work as intended. Test various scenarios to validate functionality.
  • Data migration testing: Verify that data is accurately and securely migrated from the old system to the new one. Test data integrity, formats, and relationships.
  • Integration testing: Assess how the open source solution interacts with other systems, including data flow and synchronization.
  • Performance testing: Evaluate the system’s performance under different conditions, such as load testing, to ensure it can handle expected user loads.
  • Security testing: Perform security assessments to identify and address vulnerabilities.
  • Regression testing: After any changes or updates, conduct regression testing to ensure that new features or fixes do not introduce new issues.

Documentation gaps

Maintaining comprehensive documentation is often overlooked. Over time, details about the migration process, configurations, and customizations can be lost.  Documentation helps prevent knowledge erosion, onboarding hurdles, and troubleshooting delays.  

Ignoring Community support

Open source thrives on community support. A strong and active community can provide valuable resources, including tutorials, forums, and documentation for solving technical issues and maintaining performant operations. Ignoring this valuable resource can also limit your access to updates, patches, and best practices.

Database migration planning: Next steps

Our experts will help you create and validate an open source database migration strategy tailored to your unique business and technical requirements. Then, if you want, they can help you execute. You can learn more here. 

If you’re not yet ready — or wish to learn more about planning for a database migration —  check out our Database Migration Planning Checklist. It’s full of helpful tips and tricks to help you plan your move. 


Get your Database Migration Planning Checklist

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