Public cloud spending is slowing down. Quarter-over-quarter growth is no longer hitting 30% gains for AWS, Google, and Microsoft. This is businesses’ response to tough and uncertain macroeconomic conditions, where organizations scrutinize their public cloud spending to optimize and adjust.

In this blog post, we will see how running databases on Kubernetes with Percona Operators can reduce your cloud bill when compared to using AWS RDS.


These are the following instances that we will start with:

  • AWS
  • RDS for MySQL in us-east-1
  • 10 x db.r5.4xlarge
  • 200 GB storage each

The cost of RDS consists mostly of two things – compute and storage. We will not consider data transfer or backup costs in this article.

  • db.r5.4xlarge – $1.92/hour or $46.08/day or $16,819.20/year
  • For ten instances, it will be $168,192 per year
  • Default gp2 storage is $0.115 per GB-month, for 200 GB, it is $22.50/month or $270 per year
  • For ten instances, it will be $2,700 per year

Our total estimated annual cost is $168,192 + $2,700 = $170,892.

Let’s see how much we can save.

Cutting costs

Move to Kubernetes

If we take AWS EKS, the following components are included in the cost:

  1. Control plane
  2. Compute – EC2, where we will have a dedicated Kubernetes node per database node
  3. Storage – EBS

Control plane is – $0.10/hour per cluster or $876 per year.

For EC2, we will use the same r5.4xlarge instance, which is $1.008/hour or $8,830.08 per year.

EBS gp2 storage is $0.10 per GB-month, for 200GB, it is $240 per year.

For ten instances, our annual cost is:

  • Compute – $88,300.80
  • Storage – $2,880
  • EKS control plane – $876

Total: $92,056.80

By just moving from RDS to Kubernetes and Operators, you will save $78,835.20.

Why Operators?

Seems this and further techniques can be easily executed without Kubernetes and Operators by just leveraging EC2 instances. “Why do I need Operators?” would be the right question to ask.

The usual block on a way to cost savings is management complexity. Managed Database Services like RDS remove a lot of toil from operation teams and provide self-service for developers. Percona Operators do exactly the same thing on Kubernetes, enabling your teams to innovate faster but without an extremely high price tag.

Kubernetes itself brings new challenges and complexity. Managed Kubernetes like EKS or GCP do a good job by removing part of these, but not all. Keep this in mind when you make a decision to cut costs with Operators.

Spot instances

Spot instances (or Preemptible VMs at GCP) use the spare compute capacity of the cloud. They come with no availability guarantee but are available at a much lower price – up to an 80% discount.

Discount is great, but what about availability? You can successfully leverage spot instances with Kubernetes and databases, but you must have a good strategy behind it. For example:

  1. Your production database should be running in a clustered mode. For the Percona XtraDB Cluster, we recommend having at least three nodes.
  2. Run in multiple Availability Zones to minimize the risk of massive spot instance interruptions.
  3. In AWS, you can keep some percentage of your Kubernetes nodes on-demand to guarantee the availability of your database clusters and applications.

You can move the levers between your availability requirements and cost savings. Services like and tools like aws-node-termination-handler can enhance your availability greatly with spot instances.

Leverage container density

Some of your databases are always utilized, and some are not. With Kubernetes, you can leverage various automation scaling techniques to pack containers densely and reduce the number of instances.

  1. Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA) or Kubernetes Event-driven Autoscaling (KEDA) can help to reduce the number of requested resources for your containers based on real utilization.
  2. Cluster Autoscaler will remove the nodes that are not utilized. 

Figure 1 shows an example of this tandem, where Cluster Autoscaler terminates one EC2 instance after rightsizing the container resources.

Figure 1: Animated example showing the Kubernetes autoscaler terminating an unused EC2 instance

Local storage

Databases tend to consume storage, and usually, it grows over time. It gets even trickier when your performance requirements demand expensive storage tiers like io2, where significant spending lands on provisioned IOPs. Some instances at cloud providers come with local NVMe SSDs. It is possible to store data on these local disks instead of EBS volumes, thus reducing your storage costs.

For example,  r5d.4xlarge has 2 x 300 GBs of built-in NVME SSDs. It can be enough to host a database.

The use of local storage comes with caveats:

  1. Instances with local SSDs are approximately 10% more expensive
  2. Like spot nodes, you have two levers – cost and data safety. Clustering and proper backups are essential.

Solutions like OpenEBS or Ondat leverage local storage and, at the same time, simplify operations. We have written many posts about Percona Operators running with OpenEBS:


Cloud spending grows with your business. Simple actions like rightsizing or changing to new instance generations bring short-lived savings. The strategies described in this article significantly cut your cloud bill and keep the complexity away through Operators and Kubernetes.

Try out Percona Operators today!

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Bazhenov Daniil

Thanks for the article, Sergey
I found a service that allows you to compare prices for RDS and EC2 instances and in some cases, RDS is more than 2 times more expensive.