Recently, I was working with my colleagues Edwin Wang and Taras Onishchuk and found an interesting edge case involving a situation where a replica running Percona Server for MySQL 5.7, external to AWS Aurora instance version 2.10.2 (5.7-compatible), broke. I recreated the issue in my lab with a simple create database statement, as you will see below.

The interesting thing to note here is the character set ‘#255’. You won’t see this available if you check the list of available collations in Percona Server for MySQL 5.7 for the UTF8MB4 character set.

But you will see this is available in Aurora.

So we know that the problem here is that the command to create the lab database was processed using the utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci character set/collation, which was noted in the binary log for the Aurora instance. When this was executed on the external replica running, it encountered an error because this collation was not part of the binary.

The first thing we need to ask ourselves is this: Why was utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci used when you can see above, for both instances, that utf8mb4_general_ci is the default collation? Meaning that on the Aurora instance, there had to be something that specified that the collation should be changed to utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci before running the CREATE DATABASE command. We were informed that this change was not performed manually by the user, so we checked the system and discovered that the default collation behavior was overridden.

This was pretty strange, considering that if you check the parameter group options for the Aurora 5.7 family, you cannot set the collation_connection variable to utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci. The only other way to set this would be via the init_connect variable, but we discovered that this was blank.

So it wasn’t set by the server, but the setting change had to come from somewhere. After extensive searching, we finally discovered that the problem was the MySQL client used to connect to Aurora. Specifically, if you connect to Aurora using the MySQL 8.0 client, it will set the collation_connection variable to utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci.

But if you connect using the MySQL 5.7 client, it sets the collation_connection variable to utf8_general_ci.

This likely has to do with the fact that in MySQL 8.0, the default collation was changed to utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci.

In conclusion, if you are running a 5.7-compatible version of Aurora with a 5.7 external replica, ensure you avoid using the MySQL 8.0 client. Or make sure you change the collation_connection variable to utf8_general_ci, or whatever is appropriate for your session, before executing commands on the instance.

I want to thank my colleagues Taras Onishchuk and Edwin Wang for their contributions to helping solve this problem!

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So how can you fix this issue once it has occurred?