There is an interesting project by the folks at PostgresPro that is translating Egor Rogov’s PostgreSQL 14 Internals into English. This an ongoing project being released as they make progress in providing a great resource to the PostgreSQL Community. Parts I – IV are published and Part V on indexes is on the way. It is available for free at the link above.

PostgreSQL 14 Internals Book

Why this may be of interest to non-PostgreSQL types? Well, there is always more than one way to methodically skin the proverbial cat. Seeing how things are done in other databases can often provide inspiration or insights into better ways of doing things. Or it may be something that reaffirms your belief in your current approach. But being exposed to alternative approaches enriches you.

Why this may be of interest to PostgreSQL types? Ask yourself how well you know TOAST or when running vacuum you have tuples that can not be removed. The text is clear and well-written, and the information is covered in enough detail to stratify all. This truly was a labor of love by the author and a big gift to the community.

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