Why do cloud-native databases matter?

Kubernetes makes it easier to run applications. It’s like having a magic wand for managing everything from small tasks to significant operations. However, despite the popularity of Kubernetes, there are many cases when it might not be the best solution for your database needs.

Kubernetes wasn’t built with the needs of databases in mind, which crave stability and a constant environment to function properly. However, cloud-native databases are growing in popularity. And the cloud-native storage market is predicted to reach a CAGR of 7.2% and a US$ 16.1 million market share by 2032. For many, the question isn’t if but when to jump on the Kubernetes bandwagon.

This blog, backed by real stories from database experts at Percona, explains the benefits of embracing Kubernetes for your database needs. 

Kubernetes makes internal platform development easier

Time to market (TTM) can be the difference between leading the pack or lagging behind. Traditionally, organizations running their applications on-premises or on virtual machines (like Amazon’s EC2) without the aid of managed database services (such as Amazon RDS) find themselves mired in manual operations. These tasks—ranging from deploying database instances and configuring sizes to setting up user access controls—are not only time-consuming but also prevent highly skilled engineers and developers from focusing on more impactful work.

Kubernetes, on the other hand, promises to streamline database provisioning and management. With Kubernetes, the deployment of complex database topologies transforms from a manual, labor-intensive task into a smooth, automated process. This Booking.com case study is a good example of that sort of innovation.

Kubernetes operators allow you to describe your desired database cluster configuration simply, and the system does the rest. This automation is a powerful tool for organizations juggling multiple databases, particularly those that require frequent updates or deployments. Kubernetes can also integrate seamlessly with CI/CD pipelines and empower development teams to self-provision and maintain consistent deployment standards.

Yet, adopting Kubernetes for databases isn’t just about embracing automation. It’s also a way to reap the benefits of public DBaaS solutions — without the cost or lock-in.

Is running databases on Kubernetes actually cheaper than DBaaS?

Database as a Service (DBaaS) offers a tempting way to easily handle database management tasks, essentially outsourcing the complete work to a third party. But this ease and convenience come with a price: Public DBaaS solutions typically cost twice as much as comparable solutions running Kubernetes in the same cloud environment. 

This is because Kubernetes leverages the most cost-effective resources available on the cloud — computing, standard storage, and networking — which translates into significant cost savings. Percona’s clients who have transitioned to Kubernetes report a 50% reduction in costs within the first year, with the gap widening in subsequent years. 

Moreover, businesses that complement their Kubernetes strategy with support services can further maximize their savings, striking an optimal balance between cost-efficiency and the convenience of managed services.

Kubernetes makes it possible to break vendor lock-in

The power of open source has always been its ability to fork, lift, and shift a project. Once code is shared, it can’t be taken back. But when big money is involved, ethics and morals can often take a back seat. 

The role of cloud platforms and the cloud-washing effects in driving the community from open source to licensing is significant, creating competition from large cloud providers. Companies may re-evaluate licensing terms to maintain control over their software in cloud environments and ensure fair compensation for their contributions. 

It’s odd, isn’t it? Choosing open source databases for their community support, then getting stuck with one cloud platform. At Percona, we’re always helping users move between clouds and avoid being tied down.

So, what’s the smart choice? Opting for a company that champions perpetually free, open source software and only generates revenue through services. At Percona, we’ve established a clear divide. We pride ourselves on flexibility, meeting clients on their turf, and helping free them from the shackles of proprietary software.

And from the software side, we are taking huge steps toward bringing our clients’ data back in-house while preserving all automation and management capabilities they’d expect from public DBaaS. Percona Everest is the first open source solution that combines multi-cloud and multi-database capabilities in one platform. With an intuitive user interface (UI) and command-line interface (CLI), Percona Everest offers advanced database provisioning and management features at no cost while providing control over infrastructure expenses, eliminating vendor lock-in. 

Source: Gartner research

Kubernetes can help with scalability and stability during traffic spikes

While Kubernetes isn’t a panacea for all scalability issues and unexpected traffic spikes, it can significantly aid in many situations. For instance, if you anticipate increased traffic due to a specific event, Kubernetes allows you to scale up your database resources to handle the demand easily. You can instruct the operator to allocate more CPUs to your database pods or add additional replicas, and the operator will take care of it. This is further enhanced by the auto-scaling capabilities of many Kubernetes clusters. 

Moreover, Kubernetes allows for precise resource allocation to your cluster. Unlike the options provided by public databases as a service or using a virtual machine for each database node, where you might have to choose between eight or 16 cores, Kubernetes offers a spectrum of choices in between. This granularity means you can add just the right amount of resources for your needs without overspending, ensuring cost efficiency and preparedness for workload increases.

Kubernetes is great when you have data compliance, data locality restrictions, or multi-region architecture needs

Data residency requirements are an essential consideration for businesses. When expanding into new markets, you might encounter regions where your preferred or primary cloud provider isn’t available. In this scenario, when you need to migrate your workloads, Kubernetes simplifies the whole process, enabling a unified method for managing your infrastructure.

Organizations that deal with sensitive information, like healthcare and finance, benefit most from keeping their data on-premises due to strict regulations on handling it. Different countries have different laws, but many companies are now trying to become less dependent on major cloud providers. Kubernetes is one of the top choices for managing unified workloads across different clouds and environments easily.

What happens if you don’t have the in-house expertise to run Kubernetes?

Running databases on Kubernetes provides a path to achieving significant business objectives, such as cost efficiency, scalability, flexibility, and compliance. While there are challenges, especially concerning expertise, the advantages significantly outweigh the potential drawbacks.

Starting with a database on Kubernetes may require some dedication, but you’re investing these resources and time into developing your team’s expertise and making internal improvements rather than merely paying for a vendor’s lock-in.

To jump on a quick talk about any of the above scenarios, reach out.


Percona for Cloud Native

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