Selecting the appropriate database technology for your needs is crucial for ensuring compatibility with existing applications and infrastructure, optimizing application performance, and reducing costs. With so many different choices available, it can be difficult to make such a decision!

This blog post provides a head-to-head comparison of MariaDB vs. PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and MySQL, highlighting their similarities and differences. We focus on key aspects like cost, support options, community ecosystem, and specific features and use-case scenarios.

With the expert insights provided here, you’ll be on your way to choosing the right database for your needs.

MariaDB vs. PostgreSQL

In this first face off, we compare MariaDB and PostgreSQL, two prominent open source databases. We’ll examine their key similarities and differences, focusing on features, performance, and ideal use cases.


MariaDB and PostgreSQL are powerful database systems widely recognized for their reliability and strong community support. Both support various programming languages like Python, Java, C/C++, and PHP and offer features such as ACID compliance for transaction reliability and support for complex queries.


Performance and storage engines: MariaDB is known for its speed and includes several storage engines like Aria and InnoDB, each suited for different types of workloads and allowing for fine-tuning according to specific performance or data integrity needs. PostgreSQL, on the other hand, uses a single default ACID-compliant storage engine optimized for concurrency and data integrity, which simplifies the architecture but might limit fine-tuning for specific performance scenarios.

Complexity: While PostgreSQL offers more advanced features, it can also come with a steep learning curve.

Advanced features: PostgreSQL is often praised for its features, such as stored procedures, sophisticated locking mechanisms, and support for “NoSQL” data types like JSON, XML, and arrays. These capabilities make PostgreSQL a strong candidate for applications requiring complex data integrations and robust data integrity.

Extensions and indexing: PostgreSQL also supports more advanced indexing types and considerable extensions, making it extremely extensible. For example, PostgreSQL’s GIN and GIST indexes are superior for full-text searching and geospatial data. MariaDB, while offering a flexible plugin architecture, generally has fewer specialized index types.

Best use cases: MariaDB vs. PostgreSQL

MariaDB use cases:  MariaDB is effective for applications requiring high performance under varied conditions, such as web-based applications, e-commerce platforms, and any environment where speed is crucial. It’s also mostly compatible with MySQL, which makes it one choice for users looking to transition from MySQL with minimal disruption.

PostgreSQL use cases: Thanks to its sophisticated features, PostgreSQL is ideal for enterprises requiring complex data solutions, such as geographical information systems (GIS), full-text search in large databases, and applications involving complex transactions or analytics on large datasets.

The choice between MariaDB and PostgreSQL depends on specific project requirements. MariaDB is a good choice in scenarios that require flexibility and speed, particularly when MySQL compatibility is required. PostgreSQL shines in applications that require robust data integrity, extensive querying capabilities, and extensibility to handle various data types and analytics.

MariaDB vs. MongoDB

It’s now time to analyze the differences and possible similarities between MariaDB and MongoDB, two database systems that offer unique approaches to managing data. Both are supported by strong community bases and are capable of powering dynamic web applications, yet they serve varied technical and business requirements.


MariaDB and MongoDB represent two fundamentally different approaches to data management. Both boast of strong community support and offer solutions that cater to different needs but occasionally overlap in functionality, particularly in handling dynamic web applications.


Data model: The primary distinction between MariaDB and MongoDB is in their data models. MariaDB is an RDBMS that employs structured query language (SQL) to access and manage data contained in tables. MongoDB is a document-oriented NoSQL database intended for large amounts of data storage. It employs JSON-like documents with dynamic schemas (BSON), making the integration of data in certain types of applications easier and faster.

Scalability and performance: MongoDB is good for scalability and performance in big data and real-time applications. It supports horizontal scaling through sharding and has a non-blocking I/O architecture, which can handle a large volume of data and traffic more efficiently than MariaDB in specific scenarios. MariaDB, while capable of scaling, traditionally relies more on vertical scaling and can struggle with the very large datasets and highly distributed architectures where MongoDB thrives.

Transactions and consistency: MariaDB supports full ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) properties, ensuring high data integrity for complex transactions. This makes it suitable for applications that require strict data consistency, such as financial systems. MongoDB, until recent versions, offered limited transaction support, focusing instead on high performance and eventual consistency across large distributed systems.

Best use cases: MariaDB vs. MongoDB

MariaDB use cases: MariaDB is good for traditional web applications, enterprise applications, and other scenarios where structured data and complex transactions are prevalent. It’s well-suited for applications that require strict relational database management features, SQL support, and table-based relationships.

MongoDB use cases: MongoDB is best used in applications requiring large data volumes, high write loads, or where the data model frequently changes. Examples include big data applications, content management systems, mobile apps with varied data types, and real-time analytics. MongoDB’s document model is particularly beneficial for applications needing to aggregate large amounts of varied data or those requiring a flexible schema that can evolve over time.

The optimal use cases of MariaDB and MongoDB differ significantly. MariaDB is more suited to applications needing robust transaction support and complex querying capabilities with relational data, while MongoDB serves as the better choice for applications demanding flexibility, scalable architecture, and the ability to handle large volumes of unstructured data.

MariaDB vs. MySQL

MariaDB and MySQL share a common origin but have increasingly diverged over time. Both started with similar capabilities, but as MariaDB has introduced new features and optimizations, its differences from MySQL have grown, creating distinct paths for each in terms of performance, compatibility, and use cases. 


MariaDB was initially forked from MySQL to ensure a continuation of the open source ethos after MySQL’s acquisition by Oracle. Both database management systems support SQL for querying and managing data, offer a similar basic syntax, and maintain broad compatibility with a wide array of operating systems and programming languages.


Feature divergence: Over the years, MariaDB has introduced a number of features not available in MySQL, such as a variety of storage engines (Aria, ColumnStore, MyRocks, etc.) and enhancements in areas like replication, clustering, and caching. These features often focus on performance optimization and scalability, which diverge from MySQL’s approach.

Compatibility challenges: While MariaDB retains backward compatibility with MySQL to a large extent, its rapid evolution has introduced differences that might affect applications designed for MySQL. For instance, MariaDB’s newer versions include features and default settings that are not compatible with MySQL, potentially leading to issues when migrating applications between the two systems.

Performance enhancements: MariaDB often emphasizes performance improvements over MySQL in various benchmarks, particularly in scenarios involving complex queries or high concurrency. 

Best use cases: MariaDB vs. MySQL

MariaDB use cases: MariaDB is a good choice for those who need functionality beyond what standard MySQL offers and who are not constrained by the need for strict MySQL compatibility.

MySQL use cases: MySQL is a strong choice for applications that require stability and predictability and are directly aligned with traditional MySQL standards. It is well-suited for organizations that depend heavily on tools and applications designed specifically for MySQL, where maintaining exact compatibility is crucial.

The future of MariaDB: Considerations to be aware of

MariaDB stands at an interesting crossroads. As it continues to diverge from MySQL, a recent report highlighted some of the challenges MariaDB is facing, suggesting that it could be beneficial to look at more sustainable and technically aligned software like MySQL or Percona Server for MySQL. And, given how quickly things can change, there is also the potential for MariaDB to further diverge in its development and feature set in the future, making it crucial to consider how these changes could impact long-term database strategy and stability.

Ongoing changes to MariaDB also reflect a broader trend in the open source community, which is something to keep in mind if a fully open source solution is a priority. Alternative solutions like Percona Server for MySQL can be compelling options for users seeking performance improvements while prioritizing compatibility with the MySQL ecosystem.

Percona Server for MySQL: An enterprise MySQL alternative

If you are looking for the best solution and alternative to both MariaDB and MySQL, there’s Percona software for MySQL. It includes Percona Server for MySQL, an open source, drop-in replacement built upon MySQL Community Edition. This alternative to MariaDB is especially beneficial for those seeking a solution that remains closely aligned with the original MySQL. Percona Server for MySQL is a highly optimized and hardened version of MySQL, featuring enterprise-grade capabilities. It includes improved performance tools and advanced monitoring, which are particularly beneficial for businesses that require guaranteed compatibility with MySQL.

Percona Server for MySQL goes beyond simply offering a feature-rich alternative to enterprise MySQL. Unlike some enterprise database solutions, Percona stays true to open source principles, meaning you get a fully supported, commercially backed solution without any licensing restrictions that might limit functionality or customization. Additionally, Percona actively contributes to the MySQL ecosystem, ensuring our product remains at the forefront of performance and innovation. 

By choosing Percona Server for MySQL, you gain a powerful, open source solution with enterprise-grade features, ongoing innovation, and expert support — a compelling alternative for users seeking to maximize their MySQL investment.

Take the freedom of MySQL Community Edition and add enterprise-ready features on par with MySQL Enterprise Edition. That’s Percona Server for MySQL.

Migrating to Percona Server for MySQL

Migrating to Percona Server for MySQL provides not just an upgrade in database capabilities but a partnership that helps organizations maximize their database investment and ensures that their critical data systems are robust, secure, and performing at their best. With Percona, enterprises benefit from a team of experts who are as invested in their database success as they are in maintaining and enhancing the open source database ecosystem.

Percona’s commitment also extends beyond the software itself. Our comprehensive support services include expert guidance throughout the migration process, ongoing performance optimization consultations, and 24/7 technical assistance. This ensures users have access to a team of MySQL specialists who can help them get the most out of Percona Server for MySQL and address any challenges they might encounter.

We invite you to explore Percona’s suite of MySQL software and consider how Percona Server for MySQL can enhance your database operations. Our offering provides a compelling alternative for users seeking a highly compatible, feature-rich solution built on the MySQL foundation.

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