Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) is a state-of-the-art piece of software that exists in part thanks to great open source projects like VictoriaMetrics, PostgreSQL, and ClickHouse. The integration of those projects, plus the years of Percona expertise in the database space, makes PMM one of the best database monitoring solutions on the market.

Being software composed of different, multiple technologies can add complexity to a well-known concept: High Availability (HA). Achieving HA for PMM, as a whole, has proved to be a challenge but not an impossible task.

The easy part

Setting up the PMM cluster is the easy part. All it needs is a reverse proxy in front of a couple or more PMM instances. The go-to proxy is HAProxy configured for active/passive topology, that is, without load distribution.

For the purpose of the PoC, a single HAProxy instance is used (running as a docker container). The configuration file looks like this:

The Docker container is run with this command:

The -v for the volume guarantees that the local copy of the haproxy.cfg file is the one used inside the container. Whenever you make a change in the cfg file, for the haproxy container to use it, just execute:

And to follow the haproxy logs:

We have two frontends: One for the HAProxy stats and another for the PMM itself. The backend is a single one where the “passive” PMM instance (the one that is a pure “read replica”) is marked as “backup” so that traffic is only routed there in case the primary fails the health check.

For simplicity, the PMM instances are configured to listen to the 80 port (http) on the private IPs. This is made to avoid SSL certificates since everything goes through the same VPC (everything runs on ec2 instances on AWS). The health check, then, can be a simple “tcp-check” against port 80.

Percona Monitoring and Management high availability

As you can see, stats are available via the port 8404. With this, the easy part is done.

For this example, the PMM SERVER endpoint will be where the HAProxy frontend is listening, and that’s the one used when registering a new PMM CLIENT.


And you can access PMM always using the same endpoint.

The not-so-easy part (made easy)

The proxy is configured to be aware of two different PMM instances — pmm1 and pmm2  — (using the private IPs and in this case), but we haven’t mentioned anything about those PMM instances.

And here is the not-so-easy part: One has to deploy at least two PMM instances on at least two different servers AND set up replicas. How to do it? This is the actual Proof of Concept: Enter the PMM HA script:

The script will take care of installing PMM (if you already have it, you can skip this step), preparing the Primary, and setting up the Secondary. Simple as that. PMM will remain to be a black box.

The requirements are:

– Docker 23.0.3 and higher
– Docker installation will fail if on Amazon Linux or RHEL9/EL9 (unless you are on a s390x architecture machine) since the Percona Easy-Install script relies on the “Get Docker” ( script for the docker install. You will need to install docker on your own in those cases
– SSH Access to the host servers
– sudo capabilities
– Ports 443 and 9000 accessible from outside the Primary host machine

Steps to run the script:


The failover will be handled by the HAProxy automatically when it detects that the current primary is no longer available. Traffic will be routed to the backup server from the backend, which, if properly set as a replica, will already have the historical data for metrics and QAN, and also the inventory will be ready to continue the data scrapping from the exporters.

Your feedback is key

We want to hear from you! Suggestions, feature requests, and comments in general are welcome, either in the comment section or via the GitHub repository.

Percona Monitoring and Management is a best-of-breed open source database monitoring solution. It helps you reduce complexity, optimize performance, and improve the security of your business-critical database environments, no matter where they are located or deployed.


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