Huge pages make PostgreSQL faster; can we implement it in Kubernetes? Modern servers operate with terabytes of RAM, and by default, processors work with virtual memory address translation for each 4KB page. OS maintains a huge list of allocated and free pages to make slow but reliable address translation from virtual to physical.

Please check out the Why Linux HugePages are Super Important for Database Servers: A Case with PostgreSQL blog post for more information.


I recommend starting with 2MB huge pages because it’s trivial to set up. Unfortunately, the performance in benchmarks is almost the same as for 4KB pages. Kubernetes worker nodes should be configured with GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX or sysctl vm.nr_hugepages=N:

This step could be hard with managed Kubernetes services, like GCP, but easy for kubeadm, kubespray, k3d, and kind installations.

Kubectl helps to check the amount of huge pages available.

The tool reports only 2MB pages availability in the above output. During the deployment procedure on the custom resource apply stage, Percona Operator for PostgreSQL 2.2.0 is not able to start on such nodes:

Logs are very confusing:

By default, PostgreSQL is configured to use huge pages, but Kubernetes needs to allow it first. .spec.instances.resources.limits should be modified to mention huge pages. PG pods are not able to start without proper limits on the node with huge pages enabled.

hugepages-2Mi works in combination with the memory parameter; you can’t just specify huge pages limits.

Finally, let’s verify huge pages usage in postmaster memory map:

Both Shared_Hugetlb Private_Hugetlb columns are set (18432 and 264192). It confirms that PostgreSQL can use huge pages.

Don’t set huge pages to the exact value of shared_buffers, as shared memory could also be consumed by extensions and many internal structures.

Pg_stat_statements and pg_stat_monitor could introduce a significant difference to the small value of shared_buffers. Thus you need “hugepages-2Mi: 512Mi” for “shared_buffers: 128MB”.

Now you know all the caveats and may want to repeat the configuration.

It’s easy with anydbver and k3d. Allocate 2MB huge pages:

Verify huge pages availability:

  1. Install and configure anydbver.

  2. Start k3d cluster and install Percona Operator for PostgreSQL 2.2.0:

  3. The command hangs on the cluster deployment stage, and the second terminal shows CrashLoopBackoff state:

  4. Change data/k8s/percona-postgresql-operator/deploy/cr.yaml
    Uncomment .spec.instances[0].resources.limits and set memory: 1Gi, hugepages-2Mi: 1024Mi
  5. Apply CR again:

In summary:

  • Huge pages are not supported out of the box in public clouds
  • Database crashes can occur if huge pages allocation fails with a bus error
  • Huge pages is not a silver bullet.
    • Without frequent CPU context switches and massively random large shared buffer access, default 4K pages show comparable results.
    • Workloads with less than 4-5k transactions per second are fine even without huge pages


Learn more about Percona Operator for PostgreSQL

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