MongoDB offers powerful features and scalability, but like any database system, it has security challenges that must be addressed to protect sensitive data as well as comply with regulatory standards like GDPR, HIPAA, PCI DSS, and AM/ATF. A single breach can significantly impact a business, and failure to establish sufficient security measures can result in severe consequences such as data loss, financial penalties, reputational harm, and legal issues. This blog outlines essential MongoDB database security best practices, and whether you are a developer, a DBA, or a security professional, understanding and implementing these best practices is crucial for protecting your organization’s data and mitigating potential risks.

Authentication and access control

MongoDB offers a robust set of authentication mechanisms to cater to various security needs and integrate seamlessly with existing authentication systems within your organization. These mechanisms operate within MongoDB’s Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) framework, allowing you to define granular permissions for users and roles within the database.

Native authentication mechanisms

SCRAM (Salted Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism): This is MongoDB’s default and recommended authentication method. SCRAM provides a secure way to store and validate user credentials using a challenge-response mechanism with salted hashing.

X.509 certificate authentication: This method allows clients to authenticate with MongoDB using TLS/SSL certificates instead of traditional usernames and passwords. This is particularly beneficial in environments with strict compliance requirements or where a higher level of security is necessary.

Integration with enterprise authentication systems

For organizations with existing enterprise authentication infrastructure, MongoDB offers integration with the following protocols:

LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol): MongoDB can leverage existing LDAP services for user authentication, enabling centralized user management within your organization’s directory.

Kerberos: Designed for mixed network environments, Kerberos is a network authentication protocol that allows secure and seamless integration with existing Kerberos-based authentication systems in MongoDB.

Additional authentication options (MongoDB Atlas)

If you’re using MongoDB Atlas, the cloud-based deployment option, you can leverage external authentication providers for user access. This includes integration with popular services like Google, AWS IAM, and Azure Active Directory, simplifying user management and enhancing security.

Implementation of role-based access control (RBAC)

After enabling authentication, enforce access control through MongoDB’s RBAC system. RBAC allows administrators to define roles with specific permissions, ensuring users have access only to the data and actions necessary for their role. Some best practices include:

Creating custom roles: Tailor roles to fit the specific needs of different users and services interacting with your MongoDB databases. This approach minimizes the risk of overprivileged access.

Least privilege principle: Assign users and services the minimal level of access needed to perform their functions. Regularly review and adjust these permissions to adapt to changing roles and responsibilities.

Effective management and auditing of user privileges

Maintaining an up-to-date record of user privileges and conducting regular audits are crucial for database security:

User privilege auditing: Use MongoDB’s auditing features to track privilege assignments and modifications. This helps identify and rectify excessive permissions and ensure compliance with security policies.

Continuous review process: Implement a process for regularly reviewing user access levels, focusing on removing unnecessary privileges, especially when roles change or users leave the organization.

Enforce strong password policies

MongoDB administrators should enforce the following:

Complexity requirements: Passwords should include a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. To further improve password strength, consider enforcing a minimum password length (i.e., characters, keyboard patterns, or personal information).

Rotation policies: Implement a password rotation policy requiring users to change their passwords periodically, which reduces the risk associated with compromised passwords.

Password protection measures: MongoDB’s SCRAM authentication mechanism already uses salting and iterative hashing to store passwords securely. However, additional security measures like account lockouts should be considered after a certain number of failed login attempts.

Require password managers: This can simplify strong password creation and management for users, encouraging them to use unique and complex passwords for different accounts.

An example of a strong password policy:

  • Minimum password length: 12 characters
  • Password complexity requirements: Uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters
  • Disallowed characters: consecutive characters, keyboard patterns, personal information
  • Password rotation: Every 90 days
  • Account lockout: After five failed login attempts

Remember to adjust this example policy based on your specific security requirements and organizational policies.

Encrypting data

MongoDB provides mechanisms to encrypt data both at rest and in transit. This is critical for preventing data breaches and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards such as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), and PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard). These regulations mandate specific data security controls, and encryption plays a vital role in meeting those requirements.

Data encryption goes beyond just regulatory compliance, though; it offers a significant layer of security for your MongoDB deployment, reducing the risk of data breaches and unauthorized access to sensitive information, even in the event of a security incident.

Configuring MongoDB for data encryption

Encryption at rest 

MongoDB’s WiredTiger storage engine supports native encryption at rest. This encrypts your data files on disk, rendering them unreadable without the correct decryption keys. Secure key management practices are essential for protecting these keys.

For environments where MongoDB’s native encryption is not used, consider implementing disk encryption solutions at the operating system or storage layer. These solutions manage encryption for the entire disk volume, including the database files.  

 Related: Data at Rest Encryption Support in Percona Distribution for MongoDB Operator

Encryption in transit 

MongoDB supports TLS/SSL encryption to secure data in transit for all communication between clients and servers. Enabling TLS/SSL involves generating and configuring the necessary certificates and ensuring that all connections use secure channels.

Additional consideration:

While not covered in this blog, MongoDB also supports Client-Side Field Level Encryption (CSFLE), allowing applications to encrypt sensitive data fields before sending them to the database server, providing an additional layer of security.

Best practices for secure encryption key management

Effective key management significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized access to your encrypted data. Here are some best practices to follow:

  • Use secure key storage solutions: Store encryption keys in a dedicated Key Management System (KMS) or Hardware Security Module (HSM) designed for secure key storage and access control. Avoid embedding keys in application code or configuration files.
  • Regular key rotation: Implement a policy for regularly rotating encryption keys, limiting the amount of data encrypted with a single key and reducing the potential impact of a compromised key.
  • Access controls for keys: Apply strict access controls to encryption keys. Ensure that only authorized personnel and systems have access to these keys, following the principle of least privilege.
  • Key backup and recovery: Maintain a secure backup and recovery strategy for your encryption keys, as losing access to keys could render your encrypted data inaccessible.
  • Key lifecycle management: Implement a key lifecycle management process that encompasses the entire lifecycle of a key, including generation, rotation, destruction, and auditing. 

Handling sensitive data

Implementing additional security measures beyond encryption is crucial when dealing with sensitive data. Here are some essential practices to follow:

Data minimization: Limit the collection and storage of sensitive data to what is absolutely necessary for business purposes. 

Field-level encryption: MongoDB offers Client-Side Field Level Encryption (CSFLE), allowing developers to encrypt specific fields within a document before it’s sent to the database. This ensures sensitive data is encrypted before leaving the application, providing an extra layer of security.

Data masking and redaction: For use cases involving data analysis or sharing datasets, consider applying data masking or redaction techniques to obscure sensitive information, which allows the sharing of data for specific purposes while protecting sensitive details.

Data monitoring and auditing: To help with anomaly detection and identifying potential security incidents, establish data monitoring and auditing practices to track access attempts and data modifications involving sensitive information. 

Data access controls: Implement granular data access controls within MongoDB using RBAC. RBAC ensures that users only have access to the data they need for their specific roles, minimizing the risk of unauthorized access to sensitive information.

Auditing and logging

Auditing and logging play a pivotal role in maintaining visibility into your MongoDB deployments, enabling proactive threat detection, facilitating incident response, and supporting investigations. In addition, robust auditing and logging practices are crucial for meeting compliance requirements for various data security regulations. MongoDB provides comprehensive auditing capabilities that, when properly configured and integrated with log management tools, can significantly enhance your ability to monitor and respond to security events.

Enable and configure auditing

MongoDB’s auditing system lets you capture and record a comprehensive set of security-related events, such as authentication attempts, configuration changes, and data access operations. Enabling auditing is a crucial first step in establishing a comprehensive audit trail within your MongoDB deployment. To enable auditing:

  • Audit configuration: Auditing can be enabled and configured through the MongoDB configuration file (mongod.conf) or command-line options (mongod –audit). Administrators can specify the types of events to audit (user actions, database commands, etc.), the level of detail to capture (full document changes, basic operation details, etc.), and the output format of the audit log (JSON, BSON, etc.).
  • Selective auditing: To minimize performance impact and storage overhead, tailor auditing to capture only relevant events. MongoDB allows for fine-grained control over what is audited, including specific user actions, roles, databases, or collections.
  • Audit log destinations: MongoDB offers flexibility in choosing where to store the audit logs. Options include the server file system (local storage), a dedicated log server for centralized log collection, or a SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) system for integration with other security monitoring tools.

Monitor and analyze audit logs

Reviewing audit logs can help you identify potential security incidents, such as unauthorized access attempts, suspicious user behavior, or policy violations.

  • Automated log analysis: Implement automated log analysis techniques or leverage external SIEM solutions to streamline the process of analyzing large volumes of log data and extract meaningful security insights. These tools help identify patterns and anomalies that might be missed in manual review.
  • Alerts and notifications: Define clear and concise alerts and notification mechanisms to notify security teams or administrators promptly when specific audit events occur.
  • Log retention and archival: Establish a log retention and archival policy to ensure logs are stored for a sufficient period for security and compliance purposes while also managing storage space effectively.
  • Sample audit events: Some specific audit events that might be important to monitor include failed login attempts, privileged user activity (creating users, granting permissions), changes to user permissions, and modifications to sensitive data.
  • SIEM integration: Integrate MongoDB’s audit logs with your organization’s SIEM solution for centralized security monitoring and correlation with other security data sources. 

Implement log retention and rotation policies

Effective log management also involves establishing policies for log retention, rotation, and analysis:

  • Log retention: Define a log retention policy that balances the need for historical data for security investigations and compliance audits with storage considerations. Compliance requirements often dictate minimum retention periods for audit logs. 
  • Log rotation: Implement log rotation to manage the size of log files and prevent them from consuming excessive disk space, which can impact system performance. MongoDB supports log rotation natively using the logRotate command or system log rotate utilities. 

Secure the network layer

By implementing strict firewall rules, employing secure remote connection practices, and closely monitoring network traffic, organizations can significantly enhance the security of their MongoDB instances and reduce the risk of unauthorized access and potential attacks. 

Configure firewall rules and access controls

The first line of defense in network security is properly configuring firewall rules and access controls. MongoDB instances should never be directly exposed to the internet or untrusted networks. Implement the following measures:

Restrict network access: Use firewalls to limit network access to the MongoDB server, only allowing connections from trusted IP addresses or ranges.

Network segmentation: Consider implementing network segmentation or virtual private cloud (VPC) constructs to isolate your MongoDB instances from other systems on your network. This creates an additional security barrier and limits the potential impact of a security breach by restricting lateral movement within the network.

Secure remote connections

In scenarios where remote access to MongoDB instances is required, such as for administration or application connectivity, securing these connections is essential to protect sensitive data in transit and prevent unauthorized access. Here are some recommended practices:

  • Use secure protocols: Utilize Virtual Private Network (VPN) connections or SSH tunneling to encrypt and authenticate communication between remote users and the MongoDB server.
  • Review and audit access: Regularly review and audit remote access connections to ensure only authorized personnel have the necessary privileges to access the database. Additionally, remember to revoke access when it’s no longer needed.
  • Consider two-factor authentication: To add an extra layer of protection for remote access, consider implementing additional security measures like two-factor authentication (2FA) during the login process. 2FA requires users to provide a second authentication factor, such as a code from a mobile authenticator app, in addition to their username and password.

Monitor and manage network traffic

Implement network traffic monitoring solutions to detect and respond to potential security incidents. These solutions can help identify:

  • Unauthorized connection attempts
  • Suspicious traffic patterns
  • Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks

Deploying web application firewalls (WAFs) or intrusion detection/prevention systems (IDS/IPS) can further enhance your network security. These tools can inspect and filter incoming and outgoing traffic, blocking malicious attempts to access your MongoDB deployment.

Secure replication and sharding setups

For organizations leveraging MongoDB’s replication and sharding capabilities, it’s crucial to consider the additional security considerations these distributed architectures introduce. Here are some critical security practices:

  • Secure network communication: Ensure network communication between replica set members or sharded cluster components is secure. To protect data confidentiality and integrity during replication or sharding operations, utilize encrypted connections using protocols like TLS/SSL and implement authentication mechanisms, such as X.509 certificates or MongoDB’s internal authentication framework.
  • Monitoring and auditing: Regularly monitor replica sets’ and sharded clusters’ health and integrity to identify potential issues that could impact data consistency or availability. This helps maintain data security and facilitates investigations of security incidents or network disruptions.

Secure configuration and hardening

Securing a MongoDB database goes beyond managing access control or encrypting data; it also requires an intentional approach to configuring the server environment and hardening the database against vulnerabilities. Following secure configuration practices and regularly applying security patches are essential steps in:

  • Reducing the attack surface: Minimize the number of potential entry points that attackers could exploit.
  • Mitigating potential vulnerabilities: Proactively address known security weaknesses in the software.

Securing MongoDB server settings

Hardening the MongoDB server itself is important for overall security, and here are some essential practices to follow:

Disable unused features: Disable any features or services not required for your application, eliminating potential vulnerabilities associated with those unused functionalities. Consider disabling features like the web UI (if not needed for administration) or insecure protocols.

Configure security settings: MongoDB offers various security-related settings that can be adjusted to enhance your security posture. These include:

  • Enabling TLS/SSL for encrypted connections protects data in transit between applications and the server.
  • Configuring RBAC to grant users only the minimum permissions (least privilege) required to perform their tasks. 

Enable auditing: Configure MongoDB’s auditing capabilities to record user activity and database operations. This allows you to monitor for suspicious activities and identify potential security incidents. Auditing is also crucial for complying with various data security regulations.

Applying security patches and updates

  • Regular updates: MongoDB, like any software, is regularly updated to address vulnerabilities and enhance functionality. Applying these updates promptly is crucial to protect your databases from known exploits.
  • Patch management process: Establish a routine patch management process that includes testing patches in a staging environment before deployment to production. This ensures updates do not disrupt your operations while keeping your systems secure.

Restricting file system permissions

Limiting file system permissions is essential for protecting sensitive data and configuration files. Here are the best practices to follow:

Data and log directory permissions: Set appropriate file system permissions for MongoDB’s data and log directories. The recommended approach is to:

  • Ensure the directories are owned by the MongoDB service account.
  • Grant read and write access only to the MongoDB service account.
  • Restrict all other permissions for other users and groups.

Secure configuration files: MongoDB configuration files contain sensitive information, including security settings. Ensure these files are only accessible to administrators and the MongoDB service account. 

Security monitoring and incident response

Proactive security monitoring and a well-defined incident response plan are essential components of a comprehensive MongoDB database security strategy. They enable organizations to detect and respond to potential security incidents effectively, minimizing the impact on their business operations and data assets. Additionally, a well-documented incident response plan ensures a coordinated and efficient approach to managing security events, which is essential for complying with various data security regulations.

Conducting regular security assessments

Regular security assessments can proactively identify potential vulnerabilities within your MongoDB environment before attackers can exploit them. These assessments should be performed regularly, with the scope tailored to your specific needs and risk tolerance. 

There are two main types of security assessments to consider:

  • Penetration testing: Simulates real-world attacks to identify exploitable weaknesses in your security posture. Penetration testers attempt to gain unauthorized access to your systems and data using various techniques.
  • Vulnerability scanning: Utilizes automated tools to scan your MongoDB deployment for known vulnerabilities in the software, configuration, and surrounding infrastructure.

Following each assessment, thoroughly analyze the findings, prioritize vulnerabilities based on their severity and potential impact, and implement a remediation process to address them promptly. 

Developing an incident response plan

An effective incident response plan should outline clear procedures for effectively detecting, reporting, and responding to security incidents in a timely manner to minimize damage. The plan should also be prioritized regularly to reflect the evolving threat landscape and your organization’s risk tolerance.

  • Roles and responsibilities: Define who is involved in the incident response process and their roles to ensure clear ownership and accountability during an incident.
  • Communication plan: Establish internal and external communication protocols during an incident, including designating a spokesperson and outlining communication channels for stakeholders.
  • Containment strategies: Detail steps to isolate affected systems to prevent further damage, such as taking specific MongoDB instances offline or blocking network traffic.
  • Analysis and investigation: Provide guidelines for analyzing the incident, gathering evidence, and determining the root cause. This helps to identify the scope of the breach and understand how to prevent similar incidents in the future.
  • Remediation measures: Outline the process for eliminating the threat, securing systems, and patching vulnerabilities before bringing them back online. 
  • Post-incident analysis: Conduct a post-mortem analysis to identify areas for improvement in your security practices and incident response plan. Possible tasks include reviewing the effectiveness of the response, identifying lessons learned, and updating the plan accordingly.

Monitoring MongoDB deployments

Continuous monitoring of MongoDB deployments is critical for detecting and responding to potential security incidents effectively. Implement comprehensive logging and monitoring solutions that provide visibility into database operations, access patterns, and performance anomalies. 

Here are some essential practices for monitoring MongoDB deployments for security:

  • Real-time monitoring: Employ real-time monitoring tools such as Percona Monitoring and Management to proactively detect and alert security teams to suspicious activities as they occur.
  • Audit trails: Enable MongoDB’s auditing features to log access attempts, user actions, and database operations within your MongoDB environment. These audit trails provide valuable forensic evidence during security investigations to help determine the root cause of an incident and identify the scope of the breach.
  • Performance baselines: Establish performance baselines to identify deviations from normal activity patterns that could signal a security issue, like database reads, writes, and query execution times. Unusual spikes or fluctuations in these metrics could indicate a denial-of-service attack or unauthorized access attempts.

Related: MongoDB Monitoring With Percona Alerting in PMM

Backup, disaster recovery, and business continuity

Preparing for the unexpected is not just prudent; it’s essential. Regular backups, coupled with well-thought-out disaster recovery and business continuity plans, are fundamental to maintaining data integrity, availability, and minimizing downtime in the face of unforeseen challenges. In addition, backup and disaster recovery plans can be critical for meeting compliance requirements for various data security regulations. 

Here’s how organizations can approach these critical aspects to ensure their MongoDB databases are protected against data loss and disruptions.

The significance of regular backups

Regular backups should be the basis of any data protection strategy for MongoDB deployments. They ensure that data can be restored to a known good state in the event of data corruption, loss due to hardware failures, security incidents, or human error.

  • Backup methods: There are different approaches to backing up MongoDB data. Common methods include physical backups that capture entire storage volumes and logical backups focusing on specific databases or collections. Choosing the right backup method depends on your particular needs and recovery requirements.
  • Backup frequency and retention: The frequency of backups should be determined based on the criticality of your data and the rate at which it changes. For instance, frequently changing data might require more frequent backups than static data.
  • RTO and RPO: When defining your backup strategy, consider the Recovery Time Objective (RTO) and Recovery Point Objective (RPO). RTO refers to the acceptable amount of downtime your organization can tolerate after a disaster, while RPO refers to the maximum amount of acceptable data loss. These factors will influence how often backups are created and for how long they are retained. 

Disaster recovery planning and testing

A comprehensive disaster recovery plan outlines the steps and procedures for restoring your MongoDB databases and associated applications in the event of a major disruption or disaster. This plan should cover various scenarios, such as hardware failures, natural disasters, or cyber attacks, and clearly define roles, responsibilities, and communication channels.

Regularly test your disaster recovery plan through simulations to validate its effectiveness and identify any potential gaps or areas for improvement. 

Securing MongoDB backup and restore processes

When backing up or restoring your MongoDB databases, it’s crucial to implement appropriate security measures to protect the confidentiality and integrity of your data. Ensure that your backup and restore processes are secured using encryption, authentication, and access controls to prevent unauthorized access or tampering. Storing backups off-site or in the cloud can also help protect against data loss due to physical disasters. 

Additionally, consider implementing RBAC to limit backup and restore privileges to only authorized personnel, adhering to the principle of least privilege. Regularly audit and monitor backup and restore activities to detect and respond to potential security incidents or policy violations.

Continuous security monitoring

Even with robust backup and disaster recovery strategies in place, maintaining a secure MongoDB environment is essential to prevent data loss and minimize the risk of needing to restore from backups in the first place. Implement security monitoring tools and practices to continuously monitor your MongoDB deployment for potential security incidents that could compromise your backups or the data. 

  • Security tools and practices: Utilize a combination of security monitoring tools specifically designed for MongoDB deployments. These tools can provide real-time insights into database activity, user access patterns, and potential vulnerabilities.
  • SIEM integration: Integrate your MongoDB audit logs with your organization’s SIEM solution, enabling centralized log collection, aggregation, and analysis from various security sources, including backups. SIEM systems can provide powerful correlation capabilities to identify complex security threats that might not be evident from isolated data sources.
  • Alerting and notification: Establish clear alert and notification mechanisms to promptly inform security teams when suspicious activities are detected during monitoring of backups or your MongoDB environment in general.
  • Incident response procedures: Ensure you have well-defined incident response procedures in place to ensure a swift and coordinated response in the event of a security incident impacting your MongoDB deployment or backups. 

MongoDB database security is challenging

A consistent theme has emerged in this blog: securing a MongoDB database environment requires ongoing vigilance, proactive planning, and a commitment to best practices. While the strategies and actions detailed in this blog lay the groundwork for MongoDB security, their implementation and upkeep can be intimidating, particularly for organizations with limited resources or knowledge. This is where Percona’s expertise is invaluable.

Enhance your MongoDB security with Percona

Discover the true security level of your database

A Percona Database Security Assessment provides deep insights into the security status of your MongoDB environment. Our specialists conduct a comprehensive evaluation, delivering a personalized, in-depth report that identifies your strengths and potential vulnerabilities, along with tailored recommendations suited to your unique needs. This strategic guidance helps you prioritize and effectively mitigate risks.

Trusted by leading brands, Percona offers proactive database security solutions. Our assessment will enable you to:

  • Prioritize risk mitigation: Allocate your resources effectively, starting with the most critical risks.
  • Identify vulnerabilities: Detect and address weaknesses in your database system to prevent potential exploits.
  • Enhance your security posture: Benefit from customized advice to fortify your defenses.
  • Protect sensitive data: Minimize the risk of data breaches and safeguard vital information.


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