According to the official PostgreSQL versioning policy page, the final PostgreSQL 11 release is expected by November 9, 2023. Since no new releases are planned by that date, PostgreSQL 11 has effectively reached its End of Life.

We encourage our users and customers to adopt upgrade strategies in line with the PostgreSQL Community timelines. According to Percona’s Release Lifecycle policies, there will be no public builds available from Percona for bugs or security fixes for PostgreSQL 11. Since the upstream development of PostgreSQL 11 has ended, we are removing PostgreSQL 11 from our officially supported software list.  However, we will continue to offer support on a best-effort basis to all existing customers who are still using PostgreSQL 11.

Before updating, consider reviewing our post on updating legacy PostgreSQL. We recommend upgrading at least to PostgreSQL 12, but it is also important to note that PostgreSQL 12 will have its final release on November 14, 2024. Given the enhancements in each version, it’s highly recommended to use the newer PostgreSQL versions. Please consider that the newest release, PostgreSQL 16, is already available in Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL. This version brings some very welcome improvements to replication, monitoring, and more.

When planning your database upgrade, remember that Percona offers a variety of top-market professional services to make your PostgreSQL upgrade a breeze.

Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL is an enhanced version of vanilla PostgreSQL that includes security, high availability, and performance extensions, all certified and tested to work together. It’s everything you need to run PostgreSQL in the most demanding business environments, right out of the box. 


Learn more about Percona Distribution for PostgreSQL

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