PostgreSQL has become increasingly popular in modern cloud-native environments. However, managing PostgreSQL clusters on Kubernetes can be a complex task. This is where the Percona Operator comes into play, offering a powerful solution to deploy and manage PostgreSQL clusters effortlessly. Developers often seek an easy way to bootstrap the clusters with data so that applications can start running immediately. It is especially important for CICD pipelines, where automation plays a crucial role.

In this blog post, we will explore the immense value of provisioning PostgreSQL clusters with Percona Operator by using bootstrap capabilities:

  1. Start the cluster with init SQL script
  2. Bootstrap the cluster from the existing cluster or backup

Bootstrap PostgreSQL on Kubernetes

Getting started

You need to have the Percona Operator for PostgreSQL deployed. Please follow our installation instructions and use your favorite way.

You can find all examples from this blog post in this GitHub repository. A single command to deploy the operator would be:

Init SQL script

Init SQL allows the creation of the database cluster with some initial data in it. Everything is created with postgres admin user. The way it works is the following:

  1. Create the ConfigMap resource with the SQL script
  2. Reference it in the PerconaPGCluster Custom Resource

The operator will apply the SQL during cluster creation. It is quite usual to combine this feature with the user creation.

Create the ConfigMap from 01-demo-init.yaml manifest:

The init.sql does the following:

  1. Connects to demo-db database
  2. Creates schema media for user myuser
  3. Creates 2 tables – BLOG and AUTHORS in the schema

I’m combining bootstrapping with the user and database creation functionality that the Operator also provides. In my 02-deploy-cr.yaml manifest, I created the user myuser and database demo-db:

Reference the ConfigMap in the custom resource:

Applying the manifest would do the trick:


To verify if init SQL was executed successfully or to check if something went wrong, see the Operator’s log. Search for init SQL. For example, the following tells me that I had a syntax error in my SQL script for demo-cluster:

Bootstrap from cluster or backup

ConfigMaps cannot store more than one MB of data, which means that init SQL approach is good for some small data bootstraps. If you have a big dataset that you want to roll out along with cluster creation, then there are two ways to do that:

  1. From an existing cluster in Kubernetes
  2. From the backup

From the cluster

To use this, you must have a running cluster and pgBackrest configured repo for it. Now, you can create the second cluster.

03-deploy-cr2.yaml manifest will provision demo-cluster-2. I have removed the spec.databaseInitSQL section while keeping spec.users. To instruct the Operator to restore from demo-cluster and its repo1 I added the dataSource  section:

The new cluster will be created once the manifest is applied:

demo-cluster-2  will have the same data as demo-cluster. Keep in mind that even if data is the same, the user passwords would be different by default. You can change this; please see users documentation.

From the backup

Another common case is bootstrapping from an existing backup in case the database cluster is not running anymore, or it is isolated in another Kubernetes cluster. In this case, the backups should be stored on some object storage. Please use our documentation to configure backups.

For example, my demo-cluster configuration in 04-deploy-cr.yaml looks like this if I want to take the backups to Google Cloud Storage (GCS):

Once you have backups stored in the object storage, you can delete the cluster and reference it in the manifest anytime for bootstrapping. For example, in 05-deploy-cr3.yaml, dataSource section looks like this:

The fields have the same structure and reference the same Secret resource where GCS configuration is stored.


When you bootstrap the cluster from pgBackrest backup, the Operator creates a pgbackrest-restore pod. If it crashes and jumps into Error state, it indicates that something went wrong.


One of the key advantages of running PostgreSQL with Percona Operator is the speed of innovation it brings to the table. With the ability to automate database bootstrapping and management tasks, developers and administrators can focus on more important aspects of their applications. This leads to increased productivity and faster time-to-market for new features and enhancements.

Furthermore, the integration of bootstrapping PostgreSQL clusters on Kubernetes with CICD pipelines is vital. With Percona Operator, organizations can seamlessly incorporate their database deployments into their CI/CD processes. This not only ensures a rapid and efficient release cycle but also enables developers to automate database provisioning, updates, and rollbacks, thereby reducing the risk of errors and downtime.

Try out the Operator by following the quickstart guide here.

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