SQL Server BDC Hints and Tips: Changing Grafana/Kibana Display Time

SQL Server BDC Hints and Tips:​​ Changing Grafana/Kibana​​ Display Time Zone

The Grafana and Kibana interfaces default to the​​ local browser​​ time zone​​ on​​ a​​ SQL Server BDC cluster. ​​ Some of my machines are in the PST time​​ zone and others the CST time​​ zone​​ and I find​​ myself doing math calisthenics trying to line up metric and log information.

Currently the SQL Server BDC cluster does not allow you change the default from​​ local browser time​​ (being worked on by the team) but you can temporally​​ adjust​​ Grafana or Kibana. ​​ Here I highlighted​​ how to adjust the time zone for Grafana and Kibana.


  • Click on the Dashboard Settings (gear​​ icon, top right)

  • Change​​ the​​ time​​ zone option

If you press the ‘Save’ button the following error appears

  • Instead use the ‘Go Back’​​ button which causes​​ the​​ current session to​​ honor​​ the selected​​ time​​ zone


  • Click on the Settings (gear​​ icon,​​ left)

  • Select Advanced Setting and Scroll to the​​ time​​ zone for data formatting

  • Press the ‘SAVE’ Button

  • Bob Dorr

How It Works, SQL Server BDC Hints and Tips loggingmetricstime zone

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